Is Nizagara Safe To Take In The Place Of Viagra? (Top voted first)


Is Nizagara the same as Viagra?

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Is nizagara the same as viagra?

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Is nizagara the same as viagra? If not what is the difference?

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Since it is from another country, I cannot tell you, for sure, if it is the same or different. There is no way to know. They claim it is, but medications in foreign countries are not regulated like those in the U.S. so there is no way to know what you are really getting.

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I do not have insurance and was wondering what and where can I fill a prescription for Cialis or Viagra over the internet at a low cost?

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They claim that it is, but since it is not manufactured in the U.S. it is not regulated like drugs under the auspices of the FDA, so there is no way to know for sure.

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