Is Meloxicam Gluten Free?
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I have been taking meloxicam for 1 1/2 weeks and I am experiencing celiac symptoms. I would like to know if meloxicam is gluten free.

29 Replies (2 Pages)

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Re: Vicmcl (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Which manufacturer, though? I took some from drug manufacturer CIPLA and I experienced a reaction from this similar to other gluten reactions I have had. One package insert available online lists “starch” as an inactive ingredient but another one (marked “2021 update” does not,

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Re: KimG (# 23) Expand Referenced Message

I am back on ZYDUS generic Meloxicam, am very sensitive to gluten, and have zero issues. If you have other allergies, check with the manufacturer. Zydus claims to be GF.

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Re: Andrea (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Andrea here’s what I have learned. I myself am allergic to wheat, corn and rice among other things. The above items are in many many foods and medications. This becomes an issue for us with allergies.

I have found that that the doctor has to tell me what the prescription he’s going to give me. When the pharmacy tells you it’s ready for pick up the work begins prior to picking it up. Call the pharmacy and find out the manufacturer (especially important if it is a genetic medication). Then Research the ingredients. For each ingredient question whether or not the ingredient is derived from whatever you’re allergic to. I had found this works the best however it is time consuming. Since I’ve done this there is so many things I cannot take however I get cross contaminated a lot less often.

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Re: Michelle (# 25) Expand Referenced Message

I’ve read that generic Pepto Bismol by Target and Walgreens are gluten free. The brand may not be since they don’t test form cross-contamination. Depending on gut pain, I’ve tried peppermint tea, chelates charcoal capsules, baking soda in water. Eat bland like rice, potatoes plain, gf crackers, bananas, applesauce.

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Re: Andrea (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Besides diet, what do you take for stomach pain?
New to this ??

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Re: Sharon (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

I would recommend checking with your doctor. It could be anything besides gluten causing the issue.

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Zydus Meloxicam is currently gluten free

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After days and days of research, I found that Zydus pharma Meloxicam appears to be GF. Ive taken for 8 month with no issues. I also read Mobic pharma Meloxicam is also GF but haven’t taken since Im doing well on Zydus.

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I just started taking meloxicam 15 mg for osteoarthritis pain and am diagnosed celiac for 12 years. I am having a bad headache and some gastrointestinal issues. If it is gluten free, then what is triggering these symptoms?

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Re: Vicmcl (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Which brands of Meloxicam are gluten free in 2020? Formulations change. The answer you provided regarding ingredients and GF status didn't say which manufacturer you were siting, and I need a meloxicam that is free of gluten. I'm getting desperate. Have spent 4 days doing internet research and calling pharmacies and pharma manufacturers.

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Meloxican 15 mg tablet ZC 26 written on the round yellow pill. Need to know if it is gluten free. Thanking you now.

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Re: CRSB09 (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

I have done research, but I can't seem to get an actual answer on what Unichem uses as their plant derived ingredients in MAGNESIUM STEARATE. Could this possibly be what's triggering my symptoms?

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I'm experiencing the same issue. My manufacturer is listed on my label as: UNICHEM PHARMA

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Hi! My name is Sharon and my knee gives out and my leg pulls up and I experience excruciating pain. My worse attack was about one hour after eating pizza. Looks like I am gluten sensitive! A friend of mine explained that your digestive system slows down when laying down. I was laying down when it happened and usually am when it happens. I can walk with Walker. I have arthritis and can't do other leg exercises because my knee will pull up and give out. Any suggestions? I am trying to stay away from gluten but I think it is even inside some of my generic meds which can't be checked out as far as I know.

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I too am celiac and dairy intolarent I see Mobic has lactose guess I won't be taking it!

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Maize starch is corn starch. I am sensitive to corn, wheat,gluten,yeast, and tapioca. Maybe you have more sensitivities?

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You are describing the capsule and the tablet may have a different composition. I am having a bad reaction to the tablet as well. I would like to know if the tablet has gluten.

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I had the same reaction, I'm Gluten and Dairy free, My drug manufacturer is ZYDUS Pharmaceuticals..

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hi, i just start taking meloxicam 15 with the markings Cipla on one side and 159 on the other and having stomach issues as well and feels like my celiac is being affected. is this brand gluten free? Thanks!

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Is meloxicam 7.5mg tablets by somex pharma gluten free

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