Is Lyrica Considered To Be A Narcotic?
UpdatedIs Lyrica a narcotic? I asked my Pharmacist and they said it was. I have been taking 200 mgs 3 times a day and I did not know that. Does anyone know if it is or not? Thanks, Wendell Maddox
13 Replies
Amazing, isn't it? While in the hospital in June, I had a floor nurse try to tell me that it was a Sched. II opiate. Go figure.
Like I stated in another message, I was sent to pain management doctor for pain and burning on right side after a stroke I had in 2003. I have been taking Hydrocodone and Oxycodone for the pain and discomfort. The pain management doc wanted me to try Lyrica and it started out low dosage and increased to 600 mg per day. It never did anything for my burning or discomfort. It did make me gain weight, was very expensive, and as a side effect to me, it had a profound effect (negativly) on my male sex drive. I think it may also help to shrink prostrate gland in males. For any good it may as well been M&M's.
What I found particularly scarey was this took place in a physical rehab. hospital. At that time, I was in a post op. pain mgt. situation and this gal scared the footies off of me. Reluctantly, I discussed this with my doc as I found it unacceptable. Fortunately, he did too.
Sadly, more surgery is scheduled for Monday. I will be going back to rehab. for several weeks thereafter. I am going, armed with info. on all of my meds. LOL!!!!!
Lyrica is NOT a narcotic. I, too, had this sort of problem from my pharmacist when I was first prescribed it. He thought it was a sleeping pill and did not understand why I would be taking a sleeping pill every 12 hours. The confusion stemmed from the fact that Lyrica is a newer drug and so wasn't readily recognized by pharmacists. It is for nerve pain and is most certainly NON-narcotic.
I have been taking 75 m of Lyrica 3 times a day for neuropathy. I have not noticed much change in the tingling of neuropathy, but have developed weakness in my legs..they are beginning to feel like jelly. could this be a side effect of Lyrica?
I am currently taking lyrica 50mg. and also loritab7.5 for times when lyrica is not helping but taking in the same day, is this safe???
Yes sir it is safe. I did it every day while I was taking Lyrica, because it never did anything for the pain and discomfort. I take Oxycodone 5mg during the day and during the night I take Hydrocodone (same as Loritab and Vicodin). If you read up on Oxcodone it can affect your breathing so i have a concern about shallower breathing when asleep. So I take two Oxycodone during the day and two Hydrocodone from late eve and during the night for pain and discomfort.
I fully understand that I may need to increase dosage to treat pain and discomfort from neuropathy after my stroke, but what ever it takes is what ever it takes. We should be able to feel as normal as possible and so far I don't have a problem while taking either of the done family and they are a heck of a lot cheaper. God bless you all, and good luck.
yes i am taking 30mg oxycodone 4imes a day and 150mg of lyrica co you are finr honey
Yes, Lyrica IS a Narc BUT its NOT a class II, its a class 5. and its not in any way shape or form an opiate!
is this wendell maddox from taylor?? hey its laura, from sherwood lmao!!!
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