Is It Safe To Take Eptoin 300 Mg During Pregnancy (Top voted first)


i have been advised to take eptoin 300mg for three years continously. in between if i get pregnant will it create problems to the child in future

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i am on anti epillectic drug eptoin(phenytoin). 19 months passed without seizeur & now i am Pregnant. is this drug Harmful for my growing childern in side me ? if yes please sugesst me how to get rid of this.


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Is it safe to take 100mg eptoin during pregnancy?

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I'm taking zen retard 300 for the last 1 year and now I'm pregnant is it safe for the baby

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I am taking eptoin 300 medicine from last seven eight months, now I am pregnant. Is this harmful for baby.

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I am taking eptoin 300 medicine from last one years, now I am pregnant. Is this safe during pregnancy..??? Or Is this harmful for baby...???

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Please tell me regarding this medicine because I m also suffering from this....and I am pregnant.i am taking eptoin 300 since one years.please inform me regardingit.

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I m pregnant nd I m taking Eptoin from last 1 year is it safe for me during pregnancy?

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