Is Hydromorphone The Same As Morphine
UpdatediS HYDROMORPHONE the same as Morphine I was just concerned about my aunt.
9 Replies
No they are not the same drug. Hydromorphone is a derivative of morphine. Hydromorphone is approx. 5x more potent mg for mg than morphine, and is typically given as an alternative to morphine.
This information is reference from:
Because Hydromorphone is a lot stronger, I personally wouldn't treat them as being similar drugs.
I hope this helps! Please post back if you have any other questions or comments to add.
My drug panel came back for hydromorphine but I only take morphine and embeda. So why did it come back as hydromorphone? Isn't that dilaudid?
which is better at stopping pain of a broken rib hydrmorphone or morphine?
My drug panel came back for hydromorphine but I only take morphine and embeda. So why did it come back as hydromorphone? Isn't that dilaudid?
I had a similar thing happen, except backwards. I took hydrocodone, which showed positive for morphine. I talked with my pharmacist who hand wrote a note for me that explained; hydrocodone can metabolize in the body as hydromorphone, which is a minor metabolite of morphine, hence it can show positive for it. A lot of doctors, not pharmacists don't know this. I know this because I was fired from my job because I was suspected of being a morphine addict.
I can't be given Morphine, the last time they gave me a short I could not breath So I can't have it for pain I had to go to the Emergency Room for a migraine that I had for 5 nights and 6 days I was given Hydromorphone I did have a little trouble breathing, Should I Inform my Doctor??
Allergic reaction to hydromorphone pump now given dilauded tablet form but aren't they the same drug? Won't it create an allergic reaction too? Need answer asap
Hydromorphone (dilaudid) is a derivative of morphine. Morphine eventually breaks down into hydromorphone in small amounts. So if your test only showed small or minimal amounts of hydromorphone that is normal but if they found large amounts they will take it to mean you took the actual drug hydromorphone. The pain management doctors should know this about morphine.
No, don't let the similar sounding name fool you! Hydromorphone is the generic name for Opana. Opana is a very strong opioid, much stronger than Oxycodone, or it's infamous slow release version, Oxycontin. You will notice an 8mg Hydromorphone is equivalent to an 80 mg Oxycontin. Opana came out after Oxycontin, and is a drug unique to itself, and not related to either Hydrocodone or Morphine, although there's a number of uneducated opiate "expert" (addicts) who assume it's a lesser drug and have concocted theories that include Hydromorphone is a product of Hydrocodone (Vicodin) and Morphine (MS Contin), usually due to either their dependence on Oxycodone / Oxycontin, or their dependence on the income they get from selling their Rx's.... HINT to all those Rx Bootleggers.... A connoisseur or a valid pain patient who truly needs or has a dependence on strong Opiates, usually knows that Opana's high potency makes it much more valuable then Oxy 30's, or esp better than the modified 80's that are now so tamper proof, the medicine itself often doesn't release from its protective coatings upon ingestion and is therefore essentially ineffective for those for whom its prescribed. Most Oxycontin patients are more than thrilled to be switched from the ineffective new Oxycontin formulas to Hydromorphone / Opana since its strength and effectiveness are both a huge improvement. Since Hydromorphone is also a time released high potency opioid, it is comparable more to Oxycontin vs the Oxycodone 30mg pills (Roxicet, Roxicodone, ect) as the 5's, 10's, 15's, & 30's are instant release versions of Oxycodone, unlike its slow release (or nowadays no-release) cousins, the 10, 20, 40, and 80mg Oxycontins. Many Dr's know they're more potent and subject to misuse or diversion, and are leary of giving it to their patients, esp when addiction is suspected. They prefer the safety net and lack of liability that tamper proof pills offer, especially when the DEA is breathing down their neck... My advice however, is to never request an opiate Rx by name. Once you state a preference, red flags go up en masse. Dr's often believe that patients who are insistent on a particular formula and / or are resistent to trying something different, are doing so because they're either addicted and afraid of losing their supply of the drug they need desperately, or they're diverting the drug for substantial financial gain. That is usually the conclusion the Dr will come to. Don't name the puppy!!! Naiveté goes much further and will protect your Rx for the long term vs jeopardize it.
Re: big pain (# 3)
both meds work very similarly on the pain receptors in the brain but morphine is ~3-5x LESS effective than you will take less hydromorphone for relief than you would morphine....either med would give you good relief if the dosage was optimized. But remember both of these meds are potent narcotics & overdose could occur with either. Because of its potency the risk of overdose is increased with Hydromorphone so please take as directed & only increase dosage with doctor supervision so the right amount can be determined for your pain level
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