Is Fluticasone/salmeterold (advair) From Prasco Gluten Free? (Top voted first)


Trying to find out if the Prasco Generic of Fluticasone Propionate/Salmeterold Xinafoate Dry Powder Inhaler (Name Brand is Advair), is gluten and corn free? My insurance won't pay for Advair. Viatris who bought out Mylan says they do not test for gluten in manufacturing process and they can't speak for outside ingredients so did not recommend using Viatris or Milan if you have celiac.

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I just received this email:

Thank you for contacting Prasco.

We appreciate your interest in Fluticasone/ Salmeterol Diskus, which we distribute.

Please know that the authorized generic distributed by Prasco is authorized by GSK, the manufacturer of Advair.

Our authorized generic is identical to Advair. It is made in the same facility, by GSK , using the same active and inactive ingredients.
GSK simply puts the Prasco label on the authorized generic.

Other generics can have the same active ingredients as the brand Advair, but use different inactive ingredients, or fillers.

If you have used Advair successfully, you will have the same response from Prasco’s authorized generic Fluticasone/Salmeterol Diskus.

As you are aware, Advair does contain lactose; as does the Prasco authorized generic.

Kind regards

6125 Commerce Court
Mason, OH 45040

{edited for privacy}

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From what I can see, the only inactive ingredient listed for this particular generic is "LACTOSE, UNSPECIFIED FORM".

This is for Fluticasone Propionate And Salmeterol Diskus powder from Prasco Laboratories (NDC Codes 66993-584-97, 66993-585-97, 66993-586-97). Can you confirm that this is the brand you have?

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Re: Roy (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I don’t have it yet and do not know if my pharmacy can order it. I was on advair site and they said this was a generic. My pharmacy only has the mylan one that is not checked for good manufacture process or checked for gluten so I was trying to be proactive and see if this was safe for celiac and if I might get my pharmacy to special order it.

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Re: Judy (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Gotcha. I haven't confirmed what their manufacturing process entails (whether confirmed safe for celiac). But I called Prasco at their customer service line (866-525-0688), provided them with the aforementioned NDC / product, and they stated that the inactive ingredient is Lactose Monohydrate (milk protein), and the manufacturer is GlaxoSmithKline (Prasco being the labeler).

So, the inactive ingredient is certainly free from gluten. The only part that would be a question is whether there can be any cross contamination in the manufacturing process. Wondering if your doctor or pharmacist could provide more assurance either way.

Hope this helps!

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