Iron Infusion Side Effects Ugh
UpdatedI've been getting infushions for 2 years now, my hemo count wil get down as low as a 2.5, I now have had to quit my job and go on disibilty. The side effects suck! I have stomach pain to the point that I wanna go to the er. With all the infushions my veins are gone, and the next step for me will be a central pic line. This is no picnic, and something I wish I had never agreed to.
2 Replies
Iron infusions are very bad for causing severe side effects, some of them linger years after treatment is completed.
I am very sorry about what you are going through.
Did you talk to your doctor about something that may help with the stomach pain?
I think your Dr. is giving you too high of a dose. Ask him to reduce the amount he is giving you each week and see how you feel. I have been getting them now for 4mo once a week. There are some side effects but nothing like you are experiancing. hope youget better...however it does suck. I'm on my 3rd round for another 8 weeks.
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