Iron Infusion Side Effects Such As Hair Loss (Page 2)
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I took five iron infusion to try to build up my blood count, but in the process my hair came out all over my head. My doctor said he looked up side effects and didn't see that one. Told him I would bring him a copy that it is so. Help. I know it comes back but does it need help?

32 Replies (2 Pages)

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My daughter experienced a Sanofi can't about of hair lost from having several iron infusions.Y out said the right thing to the doctor. Because doctors do not know everything.We had a primary care doctor says the same thing he don't know.AND THEY SHOULD KNOW.THAT IS BASIC INFORMATION. FROM SHARON

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I just had 2 iron infusions 2 months ago and my hair is falling out like crazy. It wasn't happening b4 the infusion, so I know that's it. I go in tomorrow for lab report. Going to see what he says.

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I also have undergone iron fusions and I just took my 6th one and my hair is falling out as well. I feel better now that I know that others have experienced the same side effects. I just wanted to thank you all for sharing your experiences it really helped me.

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I had an iron infusion 2 years ago and my hair started coming out like crazy after the infusion. My head itched and felt bruised immediately after infusion, same day hair falling out every where, rashes and heart palpation. My hair is growing back different texture, curly instead of straight, and frizzy instead of Shiney and lighter in color with some greys. I wish I never agreed to the infusion, 2 years later and my hair still hasn't completely grown back. If any of you have figured out how to fix this please let me know, I am so depressed about this.

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In addition to hair loss AFTER two iron infusions my hair has fallen out and it seems tht the texture is thinner. Never a problem prior to the iron infusions for low iron stores.

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I also have infusions of iron and the hair loss is much worse after the infusion than before the infusion. I've been told that when your body has any sort of major treatment or goes into a "shock" like receiving huge doses of something, your hair is the first to react. It takes me about 6 months to start to see regrowth. You may first notice it around any cowlicks that you have. 5000 mg daily of Biotin will boost regrowth. Split the dose to half in the morning and half at night so your body will absorb all of it. Hair loss is depressing, but the benefit of treatment outweighs the loss.

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My hair is falling off also after 8 iron infusion. I wonder when it will stop? Don't want to lose my hair !!!

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I had hair loss due to another condition, but I have anemia too. Get some Biotin ( a b vitamin) and take it twice a day- it will clear up your skin, grow your nails and get your hair back

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I wasn't necessarily low in iron. As stated my blood count was low. The iron treatment wasn't really necessary, but was told it wouldn't hurt, but to me it did. NO hair.

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I also had an iron infusion back in July and now my hair is falling out. My levels are ok and I only had 1 infusion. Will my hair grow back and why did it wait so long after the infusion to do this? It didn't totally fall out but it's very thin now.

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I felled to mention that my iron wasn't that low and after the first infusion it was better. The doctor gave thses infusions because my blood count was low. And said that even though my count didn't come up that much wiwith the first infusion the other four wouldn't hurt. I just wish that I'd know about the hair loss first.

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It actually isn't a listed side effect of supplementing your iron, it is usually caused by your being low in iron, so it was more than likely caused by the deficiency that required you to undergo the infusions.


Rectifying the problem, since you've had the infusions, should help it to correct itself.

There are some medications and supplements that may help, but they also carry the risk of side effects, so you may be better off to just let it grow back on its own.

Are there any other questions?

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