Ipilimumab Forums

Recently active Ipilimumab forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Ipilimumab and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.

Im looking for as much information as possible to anyone that has or is currently having the ipilimumab treatments. I have a loved one who has had one treatment so far and now high high liver levels. He was put on steroids and they still haven't brought the levels down. His second treatment has been postponed. If anyone can offer any information or their experience it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you ## Actually, it's possible detrimental effects on the liver are prominently warned about in the information for this drug, that should have been explained to them, before treatment with it or given to them in a drug monograph. They do have a website at yervoy.com that lists all of the safety information and possible risks right on the very first page. Have they shown any impr...

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