Invega Sustenna Is Poison (Page 2)
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I was forced 6 injections. I'm dying from it. IT is the worst torturous death you can imagine. over 50 side effects. don't ever try this crap
Re: Carly (# 5)
Hey Carly, they forced me to take the injection too. Now I have no motivation and I'm a man.
Please check out the link below. It has extensive research and answers about drugs, side effects and what to do to get out of it. The vitamins, amino acids, minerals, protein & probiotics, are very important to strengthen your immune system.
Re: dilma (# 6)
Great piece of info dilma unfortunately we can't sue here in NZ if I could I would. This has to be the worst of the worst I can't get out of this mess im in. I feel Invega has stolen my body. They never should of used that crap on me it was the worst thing they could of done. It has near on killed me. It's killed my soul any way.
Re: Carly (# 5)
Yes Carly, but is important to remember that will pass. Please ask to your DR. to get an amino acids exam and metabolic panel exam. Both are very important. I found out in the amino acid exam that my son's Glycine level was high and in the metabolic panel I found that his kidney is inflamed, than I saw that invega sustenna increase the glycine and provoke kidney inflamation or failure and this is very serious and is what make people egxausted. Is important to detox the kidney and liver. Several people who already had a kidney problem, died after take invega sustenna. Keep your exams and sue who ever gave you this medication. This anti psychotic only works for who is schizofrenic, no for who just had a stress brakedown. Do not take antidepressant because will damage your kidney and liver. Look for Ayurveda natural medicine.
It is the most torturous medication ever known to man. It has killed my soul.
The invega sustenna unbalance all neuro transmitters. The only way to lower the horrible side effects is doing a neurotransmitters saliva exam (My son ordered online) and based on the results you take the medicine to rebalance them. Most of medicine are vitamins and minerals. Everyone who takes invega should take at least vitamine B6,B12, Magnesian, plus a multi vitamin. That will help to lower the strong tireness that makes people sleeps for 15 hours and also helps the lack of focus. Is very important to go to a Endocrinilogist doctor instead to a psychiatric doctor, since invega completely unbalance the neuro transmitters and hormones and the doctor for that is endocrinologist. A psychiatric or neurologist will give you anti depressant what will worse your condition.
I feel just like you. It's the worst drug ever. I hope we all get normal again. I've been off for 3 months (pure hell). Looking forward to it being out of my system. Anyway, here's to hoping. Glad i'm off this poison that was forced on me.
How about loosing my feet and tinnitus and 100 others now.
Hello, Shane! How are you? I'm sorry that you're miserable.
What types of side effects are you experiencing?
Invega Sustenna is a very potent medication that's most commonly used to treat schizophrenia and such drugs are well known to cause a lot of side effects. Those listed by the FDA may include administration site reactions, sedation, dizziness, dry mouth and somnolence.
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