Intermezzo Forums
Recently active Intermezzo forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Intermezzo and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.Does the Rx, "Intermezzo", come in continuous-release dosages, as does the brand name, Ambien, of the same active ingredient (i.e. 6.25mg and 12.5mg)? ## HI Josey-Anna, Based on my research, Intermezzo (zolpidem) is an under-the-tongue tablet designed for "quick release" and there aren't currently any "extended release" formulas. You can learn more about this drug on the page for Intermezzo Details Do you have any more questions about this medication? Please post back if you do. ## Thanks, Jenna! As soon as I posted the Q about it, I thought, "Duh - why didn't you google it?!" So I did, and learned that it is formulated for those who wake up around the middle of the night, and can't go back to sleep -- NOT for those who have problems going to ...