Intercourse After Taking Klion D 100 For 10 Days (Top voted first)


if i finished the klion d 100 ten day vaginal treatment can i have sex the following day?

9 Replies

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I took the klion d twice a day so it lasted 5 days... is that ok? And I have finished using it and the day after I'm seeing white flakes coming out what does this mean?

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If u do a have sex b4 finishing klion d 100 whats the complications

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Klion-D contains Miconazole and Metronidazole, it is used to treat vaginal fungal infections, such as yeast infections.

In most cases, it is advised to wait 48 to 72 hours, after last use, before engaging in sexual intercourse.

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Klion-D makes me bleed. Shall i stop using it?

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Can u have sex with condoms while taking klion d 100

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Can you have sex after using klion-d 100?

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Re: anna (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

I accidentally have sex taking klion 100 I have two night in the pack leave what's the complication

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Are there any contraindications against people who smoke while taking Klion D 100?

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Suppose I take this before intercourse; is that ok?

Was this helpful? 5

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