Insomnia With Contrave


I am experience severe insomnia with contrave. I've just started my second week and I'm getting frustrated because I don't feel any difference in my appetite. My dr. Started my dosage at 1pill twice daily; so I've been on 3 pills now for a day. I really hope I start feeling some decrease in appetite soon. I am beginning to feel frustrated.

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Don't feel frustrated, have you started a diet or exercise plan with contrave also? If not, I suggest you at least start a diet. Also one of the main ingredients in contrave is bupropion, which is generic for Wellbutrin, Zyban etc.. It has been known to cause insomnia, restlessness, frustration and depression. It is basically a low grade form of a stimulant. This is why you are experiencing insomnia. You can't just to expect the weight to magically fall off of you though, if you don't mind my asking are you over 50 years old, if so your metabolism isn't what it used to be. Have you also registered online 'The scale down program' free to contrave users. It may help you. Just go to and register for 'The scale down program' I believe it gives you diet and exercise tips but with any weight loss medication even gastric bi-pass surgery, exercise is recommended. I hope this helps. The insomnia should subside once your body adjusts to the bupropion.

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How long will Contrave remain in your system? I only took it once a day for 2 days. I don’t like it only because I can’t sleep!

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Hi I’m now terrified to stay on Contravefrom all the negative comments I was given the medication for weight loss . Im on Ambien , I’ve just started on Contrave is it ok to continue to take Ambien. Am I setting myself up for heart problems ? Please be honest

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