Injections To Gain Weight


Im 29 years old. My weight is 50kg,

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I'm not aware of any injections (aside from steroids) that can smaller people gain weight. Someone else in another thread here actually had a similar issue, but recommended trying Periactin (cyproheptadine). Apparently long term use of the drug can stimulate the appetite and may lead to weight gain, which is helpful for underweight people.

You can learn more about this drug on the page for Periactin Details

Overall, if you are a smaller person who wishes to gain weight, in my honest opinion your best bet is to follow a proper diet and exercise regimen. Even doing that, some people are just naturally small, so your weight may or may not change that significantly.

I hope this info helps!

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Hi, my name is Christy. I am 32 yrs. old and have2 kids. I have always been really small. In high school I only weighed 98 lbs. After I had my daughter 12 yrs. ago I went back down to 100 lbs. Someone told me about Periactin and I said it couldn't hurt to try it. I was desperate to gain weight. I started taking it and I gained 12 lbs. and stayed at that weight while on it for 9 yrs. I eat all the time and couldn't gain, nothing helped but this drug. I stopped taking it for 3 yrs. and went down to 106-110. A yr. ago I had my son and I lost down to 95 lbs. I hate being this small. I am going to get back on this med because it really works. If it helped me, it will help anyone. I did work out some just for muscle. But you don't really have to to put on weight with this med. Its the best. I highly recommend trying it. It can't hurt anything to try it.

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Just double your caloric intake and lift weights. Eat a lot of calorie-dense foods like cake and potatoes.

Let nature take its course.

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