Injectafer Facial Tingling & Mental Confusion From Activity (Top voted first)


I was received a dose of Injectafer over a year ago. The evening after I got it, my lips and tongue felt tingly. That night I went to a friend's house for dinner with my husband. Everyone noticed I seemed a little drunk though we had no alcohol. We thought it was odd but nothing alarming.

Since then, my lips and tongue always feel numb/tingle. The more active I am, the more they tingle and it spreads to my entire head. But the biggest problem is everyday physical activities, such as going up stairs can make my brain 'drunk?' I get easily confused, can forget something I just did minutes ago and feel like I'm in a dream state. If I lay around on the couch for a few days, I can get my head back to normal, but that's not doable when you have kids.

Has anyone else had symptoms like this? I've seen Neurology, had brain scans, heart heaters, stress tests, cognitive testing, EEG, blood work (phosphate is fine, but I had to fight to get that test run) and everything keeps coming back normal.

I'm out of specialist and all I can think of is the facial tingling that started that day and never went away. I see mental confusion listed as a side effect but most of the comments from people are about phosphate levels and muscles.

3 Replies

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Hello, I am sorry to hear you continue to suffer. In my limited knowledge and experience Injectafer can seems to trigger an autoimmune response. What you are describing seems like Lupus fog. I am sorry I cannot be more helpful. I had no autoimmune issues until the day I had the infusion of Injectafer. I have these problems to this day several years later. Good luck , you are not crazy.

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Re: Celeste (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

That is interesting. I'm starting to see more people talk about long lasting side effects. And it does kinda seem like an autoimmune thing. Thank you for responding.

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Unfortunately, iron replacement remedies, such as Injectafer, are well known for causing such side effects, and in some cases, they've been known to last for years. Average side effects, as reported by the FDA, may include flushing, administration site bruising, localized skin discoloration, and dizziness.

Generally, these are last resort options, when someone hasn't responded to other methods of raising their iron level.

Given the lack of other findings by the many doctors you've consulted, you may be one of the few that have experienced such a problem.

Do you take any medications regularly?

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