Incivek Side Effects (Top voted first)


Male, age 56 here. I was on the Incivek treatment plan and am here to report that I almost died at 9 weeks of treatment.

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Hi, Sorry to hear whats happen to your mom. What I did was just stopped,and little by little I healed. I drank alot of water to try and flush the drug out of my system. As for the itching nothing worked,except witchhalze,that helped a little. As for the pain I took Magnesium and calcium+D. I also Iron to try and build up my blood cells. If you keep looking on the internet you can find all these things out,thats how I found out. The doctors where no help. The drug company is also no help. Be careful,and good luck,let me know what happens,again good luck,and I wish your mom the best.I will say a prayer for her.

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Hi Lindsay, I forgot to tell you it took me 14 to 16 weeks before I healed,and I took iron to try and buils up my white or red blood cells,I can't remember. Keep searching the net for answers,google some of the things I said,and you should get some of the answers you need.

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Hi Lindsay,sorry but I keep remembering things. Did your mom stop the other two drugs that when along with incivek? If not,stop them to. Make sure your doctor tells you that.

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Hi Lindsay, I will not do treat again with any new meds, so far on my third blood test which I recieved today has me stable ,and in good health, but you can relapes, I believe your blood has to remain stable for a year or more after you stop taking the meds. I am about a year and a half, so far so good. I hope this ends up to be the case with your mom. I will be going for another blood test in 3 months,and I hope it continues to be good news.

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I had the rash start slow, it became worse, and worse. I could not walk, my skin was peeling from my body. I am now scared for life. Don't know what life means anymore. To all be careful, when you start getting real sick they will tell to keep taking it, if T did that I would now be dead. I started taking this in march of 2012.

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Wow! I am so sorry, Joe.

That had to be terrifying and I understand the way you feel.

However, the good news is that life gets better. While terrifying events that endanger your life can cause confusion and depression, you have to give yourself time to deal with them and come to terms with everything. There is still plenty of meaning to life, but it is short, so you need to take time to figure out what makes you happy and learn to live it to the fullest of what suits you.

I also hope you have a wonderful day!

Can you post back and let me know how you're doing, when you have time?

I've had some terrifying medical adventures myself, so I do understand.

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Hi,I don't post much this is my frist time. I just picked a site just to warn people with the sickness to not listen to the lies,and if you still give it a try to be very aware of what it does. It is and has been all about money from the start. Their was alot of false information spread about incivek. I also want to say thats for your concern. I'm alright now,and your right about doing what you love to do. I try. Thanks again Joe

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Hi Joe, I'm very sorry to hear this has happened to you and I'm glad to hear you're alright now. My Mom took Incivek but had to discontinue after 6 weeks because she was doing so badly. Afterwards she just kept getting worse and worse instead of better, and 6 months later she died in our local hospital's CCU. I'm still completely dumbfounded by what happened. Would you mind if I asked you more about what happened to you with the drug? I'm still struggling to piece it together. I definitely understand if it's a sensitive topic.

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Hi Justin, What would you like to know? It does not bother me to talk about it.

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Hi Joe,
Could we talk more over email? Mine is {edited for privacy}.

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"I just picked a site just to warn people with the sickness to not listen to the lies"

I am sorry; what lies? The information about the risks is pretty thorough, and any decent doctor will recommend you discontinue the treatment if it gets really bad. My rash, luckily, was spotty but there are scars and it certainly was no fun. But the results, so far, appear to be worth the trouble.

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Incivek should have had a Black Box warning from the very beginning and really should have never even been on the market.

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Hi Joe,

I know your post is kind of old but my mom was taking Incivek and just a week ago had to stop due to the rash. She was dated to be completed with the Incivek on Dec. 1st but she had to stop it on Nov. 24th. The rash kept getting worse and now is all over her body. She is very weak and in a sever amount of pain. Do you happen to remember if they gave you cream or anything like that for the rash? Steroids? She has had to go to the ER 2 times for this. No one knows what to do to treat it. How long did it take to rid your body?? Please email me if that is easier. Thank you in advance VERY MUCH!!! The doctors have even been in contact with the people that make Incivek to try and get answers. No one knows what to do for her!!

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Are you cleared of the Hep C now? Or is there any treatment you are doing to cure it? Please email me if easier - {edited for privacy}

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Thank you very much! We are in the hospital now with her. They have her on Benadryl and fluids - doing biopsy today. She's off all meds stopped them last Sunday. If you don't mind me asking are you cured of hep C now?

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That's great news!! I'm very happy for you! These doctors here are finally helping and trying to heal the rash and pain. After 4 ER trips and now a new hospital she's in the est place she can be! Did your face ever swell? Or hands or feet? Thank you SO much for your help! And again it is great that you are still stable!! I hope that it stays that way for good!!

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My sister is about to start this drug in January. Should wew as family be concerned?

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My advice -- If she forms a rash contact her doctor and make sure she goes into the doctor so they can see the rash. Don't let the doctors put her off!!! Watch the rash very careful. My mom ended up having what's called DRESS Syndrome. Which affects your organs - liver and kidneys the most. Ironic because the drug is suppose to be curing the liver but in turn can damage it severely if DRESS or Stephen Johnson Syndrome is produced from the rash. My mom didn't get the rash until the last 2 weeks of the Incivek. Good luck to your sister and pray for a smooth year!

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Hi Justin, I am very sorry to hear what happened with your mom. This drug is very scary to me. If you don't mind me asking, what did they say caused your moms death from this? Did she end up having the rash very sever? My mom had to stop it as well and is going through the recovery now and was diagnosed with DRESS Syndrome from it and finds out today how it has affected her organs. I'm just nervous that it has taken over her complete insides. If you aren't up for sharing I completely understand. Thank you in advance!

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Hi Lindsay,
Rash wasn't the main side effect from Incivek in my Mom's case. It caused severe anemia and tremendous and ultimately fatal damage to her liver and her kidneys. She accumulated several pounds of water and it affected her mental state in a very scary way. Her body and mind completely degenerated. Incivek is such a horrible and scary drug! My heart goes out to your and your Mom and I hope she's able to make a full recover. Please let me know if you have any more questions, I'll be happy to answer them.

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