In Tampa Do U Know Any Pharmacies That Will Fill My Script For 30 Mg Oxycodone
UpdatedPlease help. I am in serious pain. I have been out of my meds for almost 2 weeks. I have a script for Oxy 30mg and no pharmacy has them. I have been everywhere looking for them so if you know where I can go to fill my script, please help me.
Have you actually gone into the pharmacies, with the prescription in hand to ask if they carry them?
If you are just calling around, it is not likely you will get told the truth, since they have no way of knowing if the person on the phone is a legitimate customer or a possible thief.
Another thing you may want to look into is asking if they can order it in for you, if they don't usually have it in stock. This is usually easiest at whatever pharmacy you use regularly.
The only other option I can think of suggesting would be to talk to your doctor about using a different medication for pain.
Morphine is very effective for most people and is available in the same 3 formulations as Oxycodone, instant release, regular release and time release.
check over in st.pete. my friend goes to a pharm in pinellas park and hes getting them. here in nevada (i live inn tampa and work in nevada so i have to switch docs alot) but ive heard theres a shortage going on but my friends in st pete are able to get them. also try kays pharmace in tampa, my dr is vandercar and i dont know if they have em in stock or what, and if u do find them u may end up paying thru the azz for em. they make generic oxycontins and theyre cery reasonable, at a dollar a pill, u may want to try to get your doc to switch for awhile until this is resolved. good luck.
go back to your dr and have him/her write u a script for generic oxycontin 30 mg. i find they work better anyways. id try for 3 a day though, thats what works for me, and theyre onlly 90.00 at walgreens.
Thanks for the replies! What's the generic name for oxycodone?
that IS the generic name hun. are you in withdrawals? my heart goes out to you. :( this time last year there was a roxicodone shortage i remember. i switched to diluadids until it was over. I did some research for you and Trinity Pharmacy on Belcher and Nursery has them for 2 bux a pices, theyre mallenkardt. You have to go in though. they will require you to fax your info over from your normal.
Okay thank you so much I do have insurance tho.
pls let me know if you got them. im worried about you. tons of empathy go out to my fellow "dependants"
I will definately let you know do you know if they accept insurance and or new customers cause some places don't accept new people. But will let u know! Thank you so much it has been hell
where can I find oxycodone 15mg I cannoit find them any where I've been looking everywhere for 5 days now and I need a place that will accept insuraunce please help I am in so much pain
PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!! I need my meds. somebody please let me know where to go
I understand 100 percent idk what to do either I drove around to every walgreens from hillsborough to citrus since monday a few different places suggested they had the 15mg available so I went all back to tampa had him change my script from 30s to 15s and went back the place who "had them" yea and suprise suprise they had just sold out its just not fair
WHAT!!!!! I have insurance. I am a single mom. I cant afford to pay for them. I have a hard enough time coming up with 150 every month for the visit
well stop taking them then and switch to a diff med. they are addictive i was on thhem for 3 years and finally got off of them
Most Publix supermarkets carry the 15mg Oxycodones. They used to carry the 30mg's until the Pharma-Co.'s started sending them to the smaller "mom & pop" pharmacies because they're mostly a "cash only" type of place, while the bigger outlets take insurance and Medicaid. I've not been able to get my script filled for over a week because of this, and I have a hunch that the people paying three to four hundred dollars cash every month are the same people who are reselling them on the street and causing this whole mess. You can easily get 15's from Publix, Walgreens, etc. but if you need 30's, you'll need to go back to your Dr. and get the prescription rewritten, which in turn will cost you another Dr.s visit in most cases.
I have the same problem with the 15mg did u find a pharmacy that filled them please let me know
Please, all of you having problems with your Pain Management and/or problems filling your medications. It is time to start getting together so our voices can be heard. One foundation I know of, The American Pain Foundation, is a good place to start. ( Find your leader for the American Pain Foundation by going to the the website, click get involved. A drop down list appear, click leaders. This will take you to a map of the country and click on your state. Your leaders email address will be shown.
For Floridians, the Leader in Lithia/Tampa area is handling this situation. Email her and she will fill you in on what's being done about our problem. There is also an APF Florida Facebook page, for support and and working together to be heard. Also run by the FL APF Leader. Search for American Pain Foundation Action Network FLORIDA- Go to the group page. You will have to be added as a member. This is a closed group for privacy. Make sure you choose the GROUP page), Hope to see you there. I have post this way because we can not give contact info on here.
Morphine is 20times less powerful the oc,and does nothing for level 9 or 10 pain
Walgreens will not trake split scripts anymore and none over #180 of oxys
Just moved here from N. Florida and don't know where to find any!!! Can any one help me?!?
Most Recent Replies:
I need help badly. I'm on hospic. The doctor only prescribed 30mg oxycodone every 6 hours and I am in constant pain. I have cancer and had 80% of my stomach removed. He will not increase my medication. I am really desperate. {edited for privacy}. I know there's an angel out there somewhere. There may even be someone out there I can help depending on what you need. PLEASE!
If you are currently a regular customer of a pharmacy where you are filling your 10mg Percocets, I would advise speaking with them and informing them you will be changing medication and strength. Ask if they can still fill it there.
I don't know your entire situation, but I don't think you'll have any more problems than you currently might have filling your medication in and around the St. Pete area.
Last month my dr wanted to change me to 15mg oxycodone or 10 mg oxymorphone cus im on percocet 10.325 but not cutting it anymore but i was nervous to change cus she did say the oxycodone would b hard to find i live in st.pete
Ok where? Thank-you jonny I appreciate it!!!!
Walgreen's has that GOOD FAITH List you HAVE to pass 1st. Google it... Look at that list then see what they do w/ur script..READ IT ppl..seriouely..
Once you are Turned Down @ Walgreens that is a Red Flag, on oxy more than 6 months red flag, pay in cash red flag, over 60ct red flag....
Theres a limit of #120 or less. Try going down to 15mg or 20mg..
I've been in a few bad car accidents, I've many disc with problems. L3,4,5 herniated, a hole blown through my soft tissue in L4. T1,2,3,4 -C1,2,3,4,5- C,3,4 are fusing together. Lost ability to walk with left leg, ironically the doctors called it "dropped foot," which usually happens to elderly and I'm 40ish. The doctors wanted to immediately take me back for surgery and I was terrified and wouldn't do it. I've got a constant vibration in my whole body all the time, pain is sharp, shooting, dull. Bones are degenerating, I cannot imagine what I'll be like in another 10 years. I lost my pain management doctor, in Tampa area, live in tarpon springs and need to find a new pain management doc. Anyone that can help me out with that I would appreciate it greatly, also a referral for pain management doc in this area. Thank u so much! Tee
Morgan. Why do I get the feeling this "someone" isn't a pharmacist? And at 10 bucks a pop, sounds like you're buying them off the street. I hope that isn't the case. But if it is? It's people like you who've made it nearly impossible for legitimate chronic pain patients to fill their meds LEGALLY. If my impression is wrong, I apologize.
I continue to have problems with filling my oxycodone 10mg in tampa and walgreens turned me away like I was a drug addict, not considering my3 back surgeries and a 4th on the way. The onky way I ccan work is with my medication, what do I do?
Sorry I moved from ky to Bradenton fl
Can anyone recommend a pain management that will write oxy 30 mg , I just moved from ky and need to find a dr that will write this. I appreciate it I really do
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