Imipramine Reviews (Top voted first)


Does anybody have something good to say about Imipramine?

2 Replies

Earliest Newest Votes

Hi Becky,

Surprisingly I haven't really seen too many reviews on Imipramine or how people have been effected by it. What I can tell you though is that most of these types of medications can and usually do affect everyone differently; so going off someone else's experience may not be the best way to gauge how it's going to effect you in the long run.

More often than not, people who have a positive reaction to something usually don't take the time to post about it online. So what we typically see on forums is negative reviews for those who it didn't end up working for. Unfortunately the only way to know for certain is to try it for yourself.

You can also learn more about this drug on the page for Imipramine Details

Have you had success with any other kinds of antidepressants before?

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I have taken imipramine hcl (Tofranil PM) for over twenty some odd years. It has done
wonders for me. I have clinical depression and need to be on it the rest of my life. I can't say enough good things about it. I don't like the weight gain, but other than that
it has helped me.
Good luck

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