I'm On Zubsolv - Do I Fill My Percocet After Surgery?
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I have been taking suboxone/zubsolv for the past eleven months. I was taking subs but my insurance refused to pay for them so now I am on Zubsolv 5.7/1.4 two times a day. I went to see my doctor on May 5, 2015 and got my script for 60 zubsolv. However, when I went to the pharmacy, the pharmacist told me that my doctor was no longer covered by my insurance, and I would have to pay cash. I have been buying a few at the time when I could afford them. Needless to say, I can't afford two a day so I have been taking just one a day. When I contacted my doctor, I got no answer for four days. I went to my OB/GYN for a routine exam and was told I need an outpatient surgery in four days. He gave me a prescription for Percocet (he knows I take zubsolv) for post op pain. Haven't filled it because I'm supposed to notify my zubsolv doctor of ANY prescriptions, but I can't notify him if no one answers the phone. in the meantime, I'm looking for a new zubsolv doctor but haven't had any luck yet. My question is, do I fill the Percocet even though I can't reach my doctor. If I had my whole prescription of zubsolv and could take what I'm prescribed, I wouldn't fill them, just take an extra zubsolv for pain. Now the fact that I can't fill my whole script is not my fault (for once) but is the fault of the doctor. For some reason Medicare/Medicaid has cut him off. I don't want to screw up here because I want to keep taking the zubsolv. After 18 years of opiate/methadone addiction, I finally am doing something with my life, and I don't want to go back. Advice, PLEASE.

11 Replies

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Just to inform you. If you are the only patient that the Dr sees that takes zubsolv, you can apply for patient assistance. I get all my Zubsolv at no cost, but I am reviewed every 6 months. (Very Simple form to fill out) You can look up the application online or call 1-888-236-4167. It is a very expensive drug. I think they should help people as much as they can, especially when an addict is asking for help. Hope all went well. And hopefully I have provided some important information that you can use.

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They are not free you get 15 free and then you get a discount there is no coupon for free you have to get assistance if you want discount meds or free again there is no coupon for free

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Hi, i was in a similar situation. Was taking zubsolv through my pregnancy then due to a c-section, had to be put on perks. The best advice i can give u is ask your suboxone dr to give u a temporary supply of subutex. This way u can continue ur relapse prevention meds while taking your pain meds (without the risk of withdrawal from the naloxone found in subs and zubsolv).

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You are very welcome. Let me know how it goes with your doctor. Good luck.

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Thanks so much for taking the time to respond to my post. I appreciate it more than you know. You guys have given me some great advice on getting my meds. I'm sure I said this already, but I was on methadone for 16 years and messing up at every turn. I know it works for some people, but I was not one of them. Suboxone/Zubsolv has been a miracle for me and I don't want to lose the life I have now because I can't afford my meds. Again, Thank you for taking the time to respond to me.

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$6 is a weird amount. When I went to CVS with the discount code from pharmaceutical website it wouldn't work. CVS called them and got another code. Maybe that would work for $0. Six bucks is six bucks.

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OK, look up Orexo. It is the pharmaceutical company that makes Zubsolv. If you make less than (I wanna say $40,000) a year you can fill out a form, fax them your last year's tax return and have your doctor sponsor you and they will fill your scripts for free and send them to you for free. The program only accepts 1,000 patients nationwide (then you're wait listed until someone comes off the program) and my doc said that each practice can only have 1 patient on this program, not like Suboxone where each doctor can have a couple patients. Call your doc (or see him/her) the receptionists won't know the answer to this, ask if they have anyone on the program and then hopefully you can get on this program. I started on it in February, you have to have your doc re-submit after 6 months and after 1 year you are no longer eligible but it is so worth the trouble to at least find out. It has saved me about $2,000 so far and without it I would be struggling through life. My doctor is super compassionate and luckily I was the first patient to inquire about this so I got the 1 spot for my entire clinic. She also did all the faxing for me. I just printed out the pprwrk I had to fill out, took it to her, and she had her part in the very next day and within a week I had my meds on the way.They use FedEx or UPS and you must have an adult 18 or older to receive and sign for the package w a government ID. I highly recommend doing this asap and also keeping it strictly to yourself. This program is for people like us, finally living life, providing for our children, all while dealing with addiction. As everyone knows some people would love to extort the system and make a lot of money off of this so please just do it and don't say anything to anyone. Your doctor won't suggest it to you, you'll have to bring it up, but I believe they probably get some sort of kickback so I'm sure they won't mind doing it if you bring it to him/her in an educated manner. Also, you still have to see your doc monthly, the company calls to make sure you have gone the previous month before they fill and send your meds. But, a doctor bill isn't s*** compared to a dr bill and the rx cost every month. Let me know how this turns out for you. Good luck and keep your head up. PS The people at Orexo are super helpful and will answer all the questions you have. They even provide you with a tracking number so you can make sure to be home to sign for your meds.

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I have gotten the coupon for zubsolv but for some reason I am still paying $6 each for them. I thought about contacting Orexo pharmaceuticals to see if they have a program to cover the entire cost. $6 a day may not sound like much but I really, really, need to take the two a day that I'm prescribed. Thanks for your feedback

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I know this is from May, but I'm replying anyway, also maybe for future people. I don't pay anything for zub solv and I didn't pay anything for suboxone. They have coupons on their websites that cover the cost.

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Thanks for answering my post Verwon. I have gotten an answer once at my Zubsolv doctor and was told the doctor had been cut off from Medicaid/Medicare because of some outstanding student loans and they were working to correct the issue. However, the phone has since been disconnected and my OB/GYN did some checking and said I need to find a new doctor. I've tried to find a new doctor. Unfortunately, all of the doctors near me are either at capacity or want huge amounts of cash. I was told by one receptionist that I could find the cash if I needed my drug of choice. That's true, I would find the cash when I was living that lifestyle. Unfortunately, getting the cash usually involved some type of lying, cheating, stealing, etc. And I'm no longer doing that. Getting away from the lifestyle and providing a life for my daughter and myself is why I started on the Suboxone/Zubsolv. I have another question as well. When I call these new docs and tell them I'm already under a doctor's care and being prescribed zubsolv, they can't contact the doctor for my records. I don't want to lie but I'm tired of running into these problems. All I want to do is stay on this drug that has worked a miracle for me until I feel strong enough to come off. I don't know what to do.

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If you're still taking the Zubsolv, then the Percocet won't work. Zubsolv contains Naloxone, which neutralized opiates to prevent their being abused, while someone is being treated with it.

The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

I would suggest checking your OB Gyn, because you may need to stop the Zubsolv for a few days, before surgery.

Have you reached your other doctor, yet?

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