I'm On 120mg Of Methadone Can I Take Subutex


Hi, I'm currently taking 120mg of methadone which i take 40mg every 8 hours and I've been in the hospital for over 3 months due to a blood infection that has left me almost unable to walk. Now I would have to go to a methadone clinic everyday in order to dose which is impossible with me being in a wheel chair right now. I'm wanting to go back on subutex as I was on this medication before until I needed something stronger for pain. Can I take a low dose of subutex tonight like 12 hours after I last dosed on methadone at 40mg.

4 Replies

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Hell, Jaymee! How are you? I'm very sorry that you're so ill.

If you're in the hospital, you shouldn't take anything without doctor's approval, because there may be interactions or problems with something else they have you taking, or your medical condition.

Subutex, however, does not contain the Naloxone that Suboxone does, so you don't have to be in withdrawal to take it. It only contains Buprenorphine, as listed in the databases, so it won't cause precipitated withdrawals. This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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I've been through it, from an infection on the legs but I was on the methadone program and they treated me like I deserved no meds, so I left and went to another hospital who said nothing and got oxys there but did not drink the methadone and was not sick. What do u have? Cellulitis? I had that and DVT.

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Looking for some advice.. I've been on 120 mg of methadone for almost 3 years nowand have never skipped a day. I missed my dose this morning and was wondering when and if I'm able to take subutex and how much should I take to be able to stay "comfortable" until my next dose tomorrow. Also if I am able to take subutex do I have to wait a certain amount of time to get my methadone dose in the morning?

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Taking subutex after being on methadone for a while can still put you into heavy withdrawal. It happened to me. I had to go to the ER in an ambulance.

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