If U Took Methamphetamine On Tuesday Evening Would It Show In A Urine Test On Thursday Evening?


My boyfriend took Methamphetamine on Tuesday night. About 10 to 15 hits. Will this show up in a urine test on Thursday Evening? And if so is there anything he can do to pass the test if at all possible?

5 Replies

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Yes it will show up. There is nothing you can do to "clean" out your system quicker. Some people say drink a lot of water or buy those over the counter drinks, but that does not do anything.

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I took methamphetamine on Saturday morning around 5 am and have a ua on Tuesday at 11am. I'm drinking tons of water, trying to sweat, and gonna try the baking soda thing. Am I going to be ok??

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I took methamphetamine Sunday at 12 am and gotta be at probation tomorrow at 4. So that's 66 hours. Should i be okay? Please get back to me.

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Tone Kapone

I'm sorry to say that is going to be a tough one normally 4 days at a very minimum is needed to excrete the toxins and metabolites in order to test negative.I wish I could bring you better news but just wanna be real with you.

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I used methamphetamine lastnight around 10:30pm my last use was about 5:00 pm today i have court friday morning at 8:00am i am 5'6 an weigh 135 pounds will i pass a test by friday

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