If I Take 130mg Of Methadone Per Day Will A 60mg Morphine Sulfate Help Get Me Through One Day?


I go to a methadone program and have for about 4 years. I've recently had the flu which caused me to vomit up my methadone (I get 5 take home bottles per week). Tried taking another bottle and threw up again. I'm feeling sick from not taking it so I took a 60 mg morphine sulfate pill. Will this help at all?

48 Replies (3 Pages)

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It may help stave off the worst of the withdrawals you could experience, since it is also a narcotic.

However, before doing so in the future, you really should call the doctor or clinic you are working with and get their advice, first.

Taking another narcotic may not be approved and might get you kicked out of the Methadone program.

How are you feeling now?

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Because of a heart problem my wife was taken off 150 mg per day immediately and it was replaced by morphine. Dr. said 20 mg morphine to every 60 of methadone so depending on your dose, take 20 of morphine to 60 of methadone. !00 m6==300 morphine etc. Split the morphine dose into 3;;300= 100 3x day.

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I was given a 60mg morphine sulfate while waiting at the pharmacy just some guy. i AM on 110 mg of methadone im scared now i ALREADY took it with 3mg of klonopin lemme know if i should b alright I'll check my email constantly.

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Just curious Did u die? Or just get really f'd up?

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Why would you take a pill "some guy" gave you at a pharmacy?? DUMB!!

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I am on 130mgs of methadone and the methadone makes it to where nothing can get you high. Seriously, i can slam 60mgs of diluaded...not morphine..diluaded and it does NOTHING. You will be fine.

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So, in otherwords, you're not just out for today's dose.. you're also missing an additional dose that you took. Two doses total you've lost.
(I'm really NOT the type to give one a hard time on forums. I apologize in advance.)
What are you thinking- You're SO making things harder for yourself.
I don't know why you didn't call the clinic immediately! They'd have told you:
(A) 10 minutes after dosing, its 80-90% absorbed in the stomach lining already. If you vomited 10+ minutes after dosing, you'd be fine. (You may be feeling ill simply because you have the flu.)
(B) Instead of dipping into your takehome supply, you COULD have gone to the emergency room, told them. They would've given you a shot or two of Ativan to get you comfortably through the day.
Hospitals are usually very willing to help patients who are responsible enough with their takehome doses to not go taking extra doses in situations like this.

You likely wont be feeling too great all week now, since you've screwed around on your doses.
Perhaps you should rethink whether you're ready to have takehome doses.
Hopefully your clinic doesn't do your U/A in the next week- your methadone metabolite levels will be off, and the morphine will come up also.. You'll be in a bit of trouble then explaining both.

Please know, I'm not trying to be offensive here.. You really just could've saved yourself a lot of trouble.... and sickness.
As for the morphine helping? Being a narcotic, it'll take the edge off- but the way it goes is: the only way to completely fix methadone withdrawals... is methadone. lol.

Hopefully you'll learn something at least, and next time you're in a similar situation, maybe you'll give your clinic a call. They'll tell you what to do so you don't go making things worse (if nothing else, they won't want to be liable for something happening- so they'll do what they can usually)

I've been on the clinic myself, for about 8 years now (starting at 280mg daily, down to 55mg daily now- Yay!! almost there!) and I really do sympathize.. I hate to ever see someone suffering withdrawals. I wouldn't wish it on anyone, no matter what.
I sincerely hope you feel better soon.

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When someone replies to the Original Poster's thread, with a question of their own needing advice, etc.. That's called thread hijacking. Just FYI. I suggest starting your own thread, you'll get more response that way (plus it's common courtesy to not reply to someone's post unless you have something to offer to the thread, not just "help me!")

just sayin :)

Now, your question:

WHY WHY WHY would you take "some pill" from "some guy" in a pharmacy??? I seriously can't even wrap my brain around this one. I almost do hope something happens as a result- if nothing else, to teach you a well-deserved lesson you won't forget again: DONT TAKE CANDY FROM STRANGERS!

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You have been at a methadone clinic for eight years and are congratulating yourself for just now being on what 65? You should not be giving advice to anyone.

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I take 60mgs daily of methadone. If I take a 30 mgs of morphine pill, will it help untill tomorrow's dose?

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Are you serious you crazy rabbit??!?!! It is a HUGE step to go from that high (230 or whatever) to 55!!!!! The fact that the person is trying to make a successful recovery is enough of a struggle, the withdrawals are so awful I would not want anyone to go thru that! Who are you anywY? Do u have any idea what a big deal that is for someone dealing with life as an addict? So, to the one down to 55mgs,I say " that's awesome!" Soon it will be only a bad memory for you.

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Did it help yr wife right away

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This is rude.unless you R on methadone pls do not put someone else down for doing a SLOW TAPER which is exactly what the clinic will tell you is best for your body.

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He's down to 55 and congratulations to you, that is awesome. Also, you gave great advice.

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Who are u to tell someone how to dose. Everyone is different. Maybe u should go to another place to post. Just because u detoxed quicker doesn't mean ur any better or stronger.

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She came down from 260 to 55mg of methadone. She should so congratulate herself. You obviously have never been there. It is her own struggle. You should be ashamed.

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Pls answer ASAP!! On Methadone for pain management for the last four years since my son was born - efore i got pregnant i was VERY happy with a fabulous life after 11 miserable years of the "try this med" merry-g0-round with 6 30mg OxyContins per day long-acting. Last week, doc discovered the methadone caused a marked sinsu arrythmia in my heart (FYI - methadone at doses higher than 100mg/day WILL cause this condition over time pls research it!!) so he put me on a lousy 15 mg Morphine 3x day. Well, i have been in withdrawal hell for 5 days since the last dose of methadone wore off. i am seeing him tomorrow - he told me come in the morning and i'll change your medication, but i am TERRIFIED to get back on that merry-go-round. i have a very important job now plus a 3 year old and i can't afford to be ill for 5 minutes let alone 5 days. Anyone have an idea what the chances are he will at least put me back on my Oxy 3x per day? He has no records prior to m y pregnancy because i moved out of state and the old doc claimed he couldn't find my 8+ year chart to send. i am so worried. Also, never broke a pain contract or had any probs with any meds/dr ever. i just want my quality of life back and to not be sick and in pain. Thank you!!

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Hospitals are NOT very sympathetic to methadone users. Who do you think you are saying to people they should consider wether to have take away doses or not because they are sick? Are you some kind of troll? What you say is invlid and not helpful at all, you should consider wether or not you should offer 'advice' on these forums!!!

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I know the feeling of being on methadone I think it's better then taking all of this other pain meds I was going to a doctor and my dose was 60mg I've been hit by a car vrs bickcekle accident we'll the doctor I was going to let everyone go for his mistake not to say I'm mad but I go to pain management and the doctor emiditly says I'm not going to keep you on methadone so I said well I'm really not comfortable with anything else and I think I would like my money back he immediately through a fit and told me he was calling cops so I said I wish my husband was here to explain it better so he gets on the phone with my husband and does exactly what my husband said even though now it wasn't the best medicine he prescribed 100mg of fentenal patch and then 4mg daladas for me to take 4times a day and I'm a mother of two and in bed with pain so all he did was fell me as a patient he's the doctor not my husband $500.00 from I gave in cofadece to feel better I'm in bed with the wrost back pain and discomfort suffering. If anyone has legal advice help please. Im in pain I can't go to clinics they don't except people who have mri pain go figure.

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You are fine to take morphine, all the people above are talking rubbish. The actual dose of plain old morphine is a ratio of 6:1 so 100 mg of methadone daily would require at least 600mg morphine split into 4 doses of 150mg instant release morphine 4 times a day which equals the 600mg of morphine you need to feel OK

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Re: drtypawprints (# 29) Expand Referenced Message

I know this is an old post, but no, they don't make a 90 mg morphine pill. And why would you take that AND a Valium while waiting on your methadone dose? Are you TRYING to kill yourself? Pretty stupid!

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Methadone stays in your system a long time, it has a long half life. I don't think you really need the morphine tablet. It's psycho-somatic.

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Re: drtypawprints (# 29) Expand Referenced Message

They dont make 90 mg Morphine ER. It comes in 15, 30, 60, & 100 mg. It will be out of ur system in about 3 days. But why did u take this....while waiting for a Methadone dose??? Weird?

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I would be really careful mixing these two types of narcotic medications. In answer to your question it may help with withdrawal but you have accumulated a pretty hefty dose of methadone into your system, and since flu symptoms mimic withdrawal symptoms you may not actually be withdrawing from methadone. My advice to you if you are unable to keep your medication down, you should go see your primary care physician or go to the emergency room where they can give you intravenous methadone.

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Re: Fred (# 35) Expand Referenced Message

My wife was on 160 mg and the hospital took her off that day giving her 530 mg morphine 3x's a day. That's a 10 to 1 ratio. We were home and she passed right in front of me and I did resuscitation, breathing for her and was so nervous I don't think I did anything right but god bless I got her awake and to the ambulance. We called the ambulance 3 hours before and when they came her heartbeat was down to 40 and the *****s said it was from not eating. 3 hours later we called and went to the hospital and her rate was 42 and the nurse said if she hadn't come she would not have made it thru the night. No matter what a doctor or emt says, listen to your body. You know when something doesn't feel right.

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Re: nickynub (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I dropped dead on 60mg a day of methadone in 2001 before it was on the list of LQTS drugs. I was treated for pain with it...I ended up with an ICD/PACER due to this drug. This is one of the most dangerous cardiac arrest meds there is.

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Re: drtypawprints (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

So just wondering, who takes a pill "some guy" at a pharmacy? And then takes other meds and then starts to worry? People never cease to amaze me!!

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Not unless you use it IM or IV. Morphine is about 30% less if ingested.

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You will be fine? What he wanted to know was would morphine help with methadone withdrawal . From your answer no and then you said that you should be okay. I'm just a bit confused could you please clarify thank you

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Bunny, undoubtedly you know absolutely NOTHING about detoxing off methadone. The fact that he's come down from 280 mg. is Awesome! It doesn't matter how long it took him to do it. You should be praising him!

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