If I Got Arrested In New York For Something Other Than My Pain Meds Can I Move To Another State And Still Get Pain Meds Prescribed
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I got arrested in my state for giving someone a few Xanax til their prescription was filled. Now I got taken off my pain meds for my back that I take faithfully. Can I move to another state and start over with a new doctor and get my pain meds again in another state?

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Most doctors will not see patients from other states. How did you get caught letting someone borrow a few until they get their medication filled. Sounds like you got set up. Or this is a cop are some law enforcement officers that is fishing now

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Is there anyone on this site more delusional then doc Joey lol. Anyone that constantly needs to reaffirm bogus qualifications truly lacks any substance to what they share. Sad because you truly are gifted in some aspects of pharmacology, but a doc, me thinks not lol. Sorry just my humble opinion which means nothing at the end of the day lol.

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DEA follows through on everything and everybody's afraid meaning doctors so I think you have a problem good luck to you

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You should be nominated for an Oscar as well "Doctor"? Is this your story or your sister's story? Whatever it was time to take some more medicine!

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My sister, an attorney, had the same experience. I gave her a couple of (brand-name) Ambien, Xanax and Valium. Her boyfriend liked to drive too fast. The arresting officers thought Ambien was OTC because of all the -direct-to-patient commercials. Anne is good at shutting up and concussing story and this one was a WHOPPER! I have to get the results of my HIBV test from the NYS Health Department (actually, I would write "Wonder Woman" as the patient, as long as I'd pay the bill. She said that she anticipated a "nervous breakdown" if I tested positive and she asked from some pills just in case. I had to write and sign an Affidavit stating this was and it had the include my name, ice #, DEA #, the pharmacy's stats, date script, prescriber. Was Director of Psychiatry at a large hospital in the Catkills and I thought about how I could get this notarized without disclosing privileged information. Mac were always good with spacing and line spacing, etc, so I wrote an Affadavit where the signature page was SOLO. This was a small town and I knew the Command of the Sate Police Unit assigned nearby and several judges. I hidden the boys ib blue a few favors, so I asked if given my statement, they could Plead it down: to Dask Appearance Tickets. He said, "Well, you've aways helped us and even for a newcomer you can suss out where all the body's are buried. (Yes, I CAN dispense Controlled Substances, BUT they must be ordered rom a drug wholesaler and I must keep accurate patient records, including the usual, height, weight, BP, etc.) The Commander made a call and set it before a judge whose wife worked for me. $50 fine and the "crime" became a VIOLATION. (No crime and not even visible to an FBI Background Check.) I should have been nominated for an Oscar for "Best Performance by a Actor Pretending Not to Want to Kill His Co-Stars!"

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Heres your only shot once your discharged to stay right the he'll in your own state and find a doc who doesn't nessaserily take medical records if u catch my drift I've been discharged by my family Physician for getting pain meds from the ERs and him so it took me five months but now I know two spots in pa dont check medical records you'll be fine

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your new pain management clinic may do a background check on you, just fyi.

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All of your pharmacies will be notified of the drug you were arrested for "giving" to your friend until their RX fill date came around...either way you try to spin it, its a felony charge and this "Friend" of yours should come to your defense...ALWAYS, ALWAYS LOCK UP ALL OF YOUR MEDS IN A SAFE, GIVE NO ONE THE PASS COSE (not even husband or wife) AND CHECK THE QTY DAILY. People will ROB YOU coming out of the pharmacies so either out ur meds in pockets, purses for women so no one knows what you went in for and came out with.

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I know it's a felony now...I haven't been to court yet. Just because I was arrested my contract at my pain clinic was violated...

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Yes you can! What was the punishment? I know giving someone your controlled medicine is a Felony charge. This is a great example why not to share or sell pills

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