Identifying A Pill That I Think Is Cytomel (Top voted first)
UpdatedSmall round white pill KPI 226 on one side, scored on other side
2 Replies
Correction: The small white pill is marked _KPI 116.
I have another small white pill which I think is generic T-3
it is marked 25 above the score and 222 below
Hi Jon,
The imprint "KPI 116" is identified as Cytomel 25 mcg (0.025 mg). This pill contains the active ingredient Liothyronine; which is used to treat hypothyroidism (an under active thyroid).
The imprint 25 222 has been identified as generic Liothyronine sodium 25 mcg (0.025 mg). So they are pretty much the same drug!
You can read more about it by visiting the link below:
I hope this helps!
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