Ibuprofen In Place Of Hydrocodone 5 500
UpdatedMy mom just had a knee replacement and is taking Hydrocodone. She is taking them every 4 hrs. The holidays are here and she has no refills, plus the doctor's office is closed. How many Ibuprofen can she take to equal the same amount, or is this even possible?
3 Replies
It isn't possible. Hydrocodone is a narcotic analgesic. so there is nothing available over the counter, including the Ibuprofen, that will be as strong and work as well.
Learn more Hydrocodone details here.
If the pain gets too bad, she could go to her local ER and they should be able to help her.
Does anyone else have any suggestions?
Icing her knee will help some but going to the ER is best. She should try to keep watch of the number of pills she has on hand so that this never happens again in the future. This is something anyone who takes a medication should do. There is no excuse for running out of pills.
is your mother older and not as active? not trying to be nosy. i a 42 and my mother is 71 and she had knee replacement about 8 years ago at 63. she had a heck of a time in the recovery process. i think she took a hydrocodone type med, and once a couple of days passed and my dad noticed she didn't seem to feel much relief, he talked to her doctor (or surgeon? sorry, not sure) and he was able to get a stronger prescription for her. she is a larger woman so not sure if that plays a role, or again, older and less active, so she really struggled with the pain and needed something stronger. there is such a stigma with pain killers anymore and i understand why, but there will still always be people who can take them safely after surgery, for acute pain, short term, so it's worth asking about an alternate med in my opinion. she might be able to take less and every 6-8 hours instead...
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