I Will Pass On Lyrica.
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I was prescribed lyrica, but I think I will pass, I heard too many bad things about it, I don't need anything to make me gain weight, and I heard your mind goes with that stuff, Nah.

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To be fair, there are people who have had good experiences on lyrica. And while I don't advocate for the drug, I think it goes without saying that each individual is subject to respond differently to any medication. So there's really no way of knowing how you'll react until you try it. However, there is a lot of negative feedback on lyrica and I for one wouldn't gamble with it either after seeing how it affected loved one's in my family. At that point weight gain was the least of my concerns (for them), as lyrica seemed to have more of a psychological impact that drastically distorted their mood, bringing out bouts of anger and unpredictable behavior on any given day (I was care taking for them for a few months and saw the difference). Some patients may be luckier than others in that regard. I just hope you're able to find a safe and reliable treatment option for whatever reason your doctor prescribed lyrica to begin with.

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That is what I am saying now. That is the only side effect that I am bothered by.
I weighed 160, I am 5'7" and gradually gained 100 lbs in 2 years. I am hoping it tops off.

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