I Was Addicted To Alprazolam
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I am suffering sleepless with psychological disorder..... that time I was consulting a psychiatric doctor... then I was told to the doctor about my sleeping problem.... he suuggested ALPRAX 0.5mg... from that time to present day varaku minimum 5 pills taking to sleep... maximum 10 or more pills I was taken sometime... now I have a very big doubt... this is Right or Wrong....

3 Replies

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Re: EDDY (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

If I said that Alprazolam was fantastic for male enhancement, I'd probably get loads of people actually agreeing with me, because 95% of the wannabes haven't a clue what they are going on about!

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This drug is not nice and I am dependent on it.

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Have no doubt, this is very wrong. You can take a bunch more per day and probably be fine. When you run out however all those pills can place you in Withdrawal and you might become very sick. In other words you are playing with fire using Xanax

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