I Need Help With A Vyvanse Overdose (Top voted first)


I would like to say that I am a 31 year old man I am 5"11 and weigh 320 pounds I recently took 7 x 60mg vyvanse and need to see what I can expect to happen and if I should consult a doctor or poison control center please? I don't need people telling me how stupid it was to take such a high dose because I already know that I just want to see if there anyone else who has done that high of a dose and their experience with it

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You need to contact your doc or emergency room asap your size has little to do with absorption of this drug so please seek medical attention no reason to risk your life. We all do things we wish we can take back. YOU CAN!!! By CALLING FOR ASSISTANCE. Post back when you can cause some people do have empathy and care, believe it or not...... peace,. Kenie

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I am fine, sweating like a pig, and I get really dizzy when I stand up and I can tell that I am a little dehydrated so I've been trying to drink a lot of water and making myself eat at least but thank for your concern about me that just restored a little bit of hope in humanity.

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