I Need Help Figuring Out What Kind Of Pill I Took
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I need to find out what kind of pill I just took!!! It's white, round, on one side there is a 3 and on the other there is 93 on top of 150. There is no line aeperating the 93 and 150!!!Help please
17 Replies
Anybody have a pic or a link to an image of the rp 30 ir oxycodone? For some reason i cant find one anywhere. Thanks.
Hi Lena - it sounds like DRL stands for Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd, which is a pharmaceutical company located in India.
Hi what does the itnails drl stand for in ibuproffen 800mg tablets
Hi Msmelianne - i believe the half life of Clonazepam is 18-50 hours, so I'd say it would take about a week to exit the system. Anyone else know?
I took what I was told was claudapin, or similar spelling. How long does it stay in your system if you take a drug test?
Dale - I don't have a definite ID but some research indicates that they might be a combination of Acetaminophen and Codeine, or something similar. Could possibly have been available in Belize, where such medications are available over the counter. So my best guess at this point is a narcotic pain reliever. If you have any other details about these pills please share them - any packaging, or manufacturer name, country, etc.... ?
i found a bottle of theses in my sons room does anybody have an idea ?
the pill is round and white with a beval on both sides it has a C on the top then a line thru the middle and CT on the bottom.
damn, i knew the answer to all of these
except yours bigt. it would help if you gave a little more info besides the color of it,
mike you made me lol. and Kaylee if you were thinking about taking that. take like 2. and a half if you could. but if you are over like 110 pounds filter out the tylenol with water and a strainer. the strainer will contain the oxycodone
green/white capsule that has 40 on one side and i cant make out what the other side said. it makes me feel like i have taken speed or cocaine
it is a klonipin 2mg
i have a pill i found in my sons room it is a white round small tan with a m on one side and o5 with a line thru it and 52 on the other side help me to identify it please!!
mike get your act together please!!! And for god sake stop taking things when you dont know what they are!
Why the heck would you take a pill without knowing what it is?
Kaylee, your pill is Acetaminophen 325mgs and Oxycodone 5mgs, a generic for the pain reliever Percocet.
The pill you took, Mike, contains Acetaminophen 300mgs and Codeine 30mgs, a generic for Tylenol with Codeine.
I found a pill its white, round, one side is blank and the other side has 4839 on top with a dividing lining and a crusive looking v on the bottom
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