I Need A Doctor In The Bethlehem Area That Prescribe Xanax
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My name is Paul and last year I almost lost my life to a car accident slowly but surely I'm learning to walk again and now in a great deal of pain. I just recently relocated to Bethlehem Pennsylvania and I can't find a doctor that is willing to prescribe any sort of pain relief. I need help finding a doctor that prescribes something for pain such as Opana, Oxycontin or methadone. Can anyone help?
3 Replies
Re: David (# 2)
I'm sorry David as Paul had mentioned he was looking for Xanax in the title. Nothing funny about a Car accident, heck I was hit by a Semi Truck 4 years ago and still have problems from that. However aside from Soma I don't take anything as Xanax is bad enough to be dependent on
Hi Paul,
Sorry to hear about your challenging situation. Surviving a car crash is one thing, but dealing with the aftermath of pain is quite another. I can only imagine what you might be going through day to day and just wanted to show some support and see what I could find in your area. A quick google search brought up a listing for St. Luke's Pain Management Center located at [801 Ostrum St # 1, Bethlehem, PA 18015]. Perhaps you could check them out and see what they have to offer. We have a St. Lukes here in Boise, ID so I'm pretty familiar with their positive reputation. Hopefully, you found some form of therapy or treatment since the timing of your post, but if not, please also consider running a Google search for "bethlehem pa pain management" to see a variety of options within your area.
Best wishes to you and a speedy recovery!
Look for the guy dressed as Santa tonight, he should have your gifts, bring cash
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