I Need A Doctor In San Jose California That Will Prescribe Me Vicodin For My Back Pain (Page 4)
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I just this morning went to my doctor and I went because my back pain I have had for 3 years that I have opted not to take pain killers for has gotten so bad I can't work out, I can't stand at work for more than 5 minutes with out pain and I am now losing sleep too. I told my doctor all of this and he thinks i need to have rehabilitation and physical therapy which doesnt even start till next month. I need a doctor that understands my immediate needs for my pain. Can anyone help?
Have you tried giving the Pain Patches a go?
They are worth a try, if you havent already done so. They take the edge of my back pain, which Ive lived with for numerous amount of years now, and even to the brink of needing an op several years ago, so they have helped me postpone that op, thanks be to God, ask your doctor about them, if you havent already.
Tlou I am in same boat as everyone else. Need help! No one wants to prescribe anything and I am at end of the rope.
I use BuTrans Patches for lower back pain, caused by prolapsed discs, I dont know if you've ever tried these, I use a 10mg patch but you can get stronger, I began on a 5mg but wasnt strong enough, ive been on the higher dose a few years now.
I did ask for it to be increased again awhile back but my GP was hesitant to do so, as he said he'd rather I tried to persevere on the 10mg for as long as I possibly can so an increase would be of good benefit, if pain were to get worse than already is, the patches do make a difference, as if I happen to forget to change it on the seventh day, I soon am reminded by my back that its not on and dont be long going to re apply one asap. Hope that helps some to you Lordbless, nothing as bad as back pain, prevents me doing some house chores well, like moping and hoovering, as that increases the intensity of my pain.
Can you recommend a good doctor in my area mine is horrible. I have to leave town on Wednesday. I need to be seen hopefully before that.
Lou you seem helpful I have had a back injury for 5 years now I am looking into surgery my new doctor is not helpful. This was a workers comp case and now I have Medicare due to my injury. I have been taking norco off and on. I do not like my doctor I am looking for another on in Los gatos or San Jose. I have taken oxycoden which help a lot but then returned to norco which helps. I am honest with my doctors but this doctor now could care less of the amount of pain I am in. I have stopped my meds when I became pregnant and suffered through it for my babies. Now I am miserable I am constantly in pain I do not have a chance to baby my injury because I have 3 kids depending on me. Do you have any recommendations?
Have you found one? I need to know ASAP I'm sick
Im new to SJ from MA and need a new Dr. Ive been taking 10/325's for a few years due to a degenerative disc in my L4/L5. Hoping you can help out. Thanks!
Lou I have Chronic Chronic pain.... I am on Oxy 30's but my doc retired and now I found a new one but but he is trying to cut my script off. If its working why mess with it?? Do you know a doc that would prescribe it in the SJ area or nearby cities?
Please help me find this doctor for chronic CRPS pain back and nsvk pain and recent knee pain. I need comprehensive care, someone whom will listen, and stronger meds. My life is passing by with incredible pain i am barely able to function . this has caused depression for me and family members who have to watch me struggle . Please help any info is appreciated
Please help me find this doctor for chronic CRPS pain back and nsvk pain and recent knee pain
Hi Gloria, I am in the Bay Area and looking for a doctor like the one you found-caring, thorough, and one who understands the debilitating nature of back pain caused by automobile accidents. I am trying alternative methods such electric current therapy and acupuncture-however, I am not able to physically function because of the chronic pain, and mentally my work has suffered. I have medical records with multiple diagnosis, a history of prescriptions for pain medication-but my doctor is no longer practicing. Is your new doctor open to prescribing if the patient has full records, MRI's, and a history of taking the medication? Or is he someone only willing to use alternative techniques? I would like to save myself the trouble of getting the first appt-since it seems it took you a while to get your first appt-and also save the $ if I can find our beforehand that is not open to prescribing to chronic back pain with injury sufferers. I thank you in advance for your reply in this dire matter!!!!
Hi Lou,
My husband and I were rear ended by a drunk driver in 2008. The doctor we had been seeing in Petaluma was actually shut down for over prescribing. Meanwhile, people like my husband and myself are left high and dry without a caring and understanding physician who will prescribe what we were getting monthly, Oxycodone 30mg. I wear a back brace everyday, as my lumbar spine has permanent damage, and it has started to effect my ability to walk. My husband has migraines from his neck and head injuries sustained in the accident. If you could give me the name of the San Jose Physician who you go to I would be forever in your debt. I design genuine precious stone jewelry and would be happy to send you a beautiful necklace for your wife or girlfriend-in exchange for the referral. I currentlylive about 30 mins from San Jose. My husband and I both have extensive MRI's of our neck and backs-and records from the accident from our treatments that we showed to the insurance company. I was rear ended a second time two weeks ago by myself in the car, and since our doc suddenly shut down his practice, I had to go to the ER, where they gave me Tylenol. Please let me know who to call to schedule an appointment with the San Jose prescribing physician-as I am in need of a new doctor who understands chronic pain and acute re-injury. I was a Pilates instructor for 8 years and since I have not had my medication, I cannot even touch my toes. Please help. My email is {edited for privacy}
Do you know where I can find a doctor who could prescribe oxycodone 10/325 to me for severe back and neck pain?
Hi Lou,
I saw this online and was hoping you could help with a recommendation for a back pain specialist In San Jose area. I'm DYING in pain and my Dr. At Kaiser couldn't care less. I saw you helped a 'Scott' awhile back, so if you have any recommendations I would GREATLY appreciate it. Reaching out to a stranger is weird, so I apologize,
I was in a car accident and have chronic back pain. Is there a doctor that I could see who would provide medication for severe pain?
Pain management, I see many of you talking about pain meds and why doctors are starting not to help people in pain. Remember 1 rotten apple ruins the rest for everyone else. I know cancer patients that are having trouble aquiring pain medications from the doctors. Now that is sad.
Is the doctor you are talking about a good one? I actually used to live in Los Gatos my fan owns businesses out there.... I have 5 years prescription history... I'm moving back to San Jose and need a pain management doc
Hello Gloria I have prescription history going back 4 years been in many accidents I have lots of pains issues going back to my athlete days ..... Where is that doctor your talking about?
I found this pain dr. for my back pain and fibromyalgia few weeks ago dr. Michael Jadali. He is amazingly knowledgeable and very caring. He is using a technics that I have never seen and has helped me a lot. He really thinks outside of the box. Getting an appointment with him is not that easy though but I finally did. He spends lots of time at each visit and will not leave the room before answering all your questions. The first visit he spent one full hour with me to the point that I was getting tired with him but he said he likes to check everything. following visits were only about 20 minutes. He also has a great bedside manner. I feel so blessed to have found him.
Hey buddy I'm moving from Florida back to San Jose where I'm from... Raised in willow glen I've been on pain meds for 5 years oxycodone 30mg and morpine Xanax and need to find a doctor that understands me.....
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