I Need A Methadone Dr. Who Can Prescribe Methadone Pills In 10 Mg. Or Preferably 40 Mg.pills For Acute Chronic Pain In San Diego, Ca. (Top voted first)
UpdatedI have been going to a methadone clinic for approximately 8 years. My current dose is 120 mg. but; a I my need to increase my dose toI prefer to go to a DR. to obtain a methadone RX for 120 - 160 40 mg. pills.
13 Replies
Re: methadoneman (# 1)
Plus a doctor can only prescribe methadone for pain. Anyone who walks into a doctors office and says the word methadone he/she will be called a drug seeker.. Anyone wanting methadone for chronic pain better have medical records that are no more than a year old. MRI’s In other words you will need documentation proving you’ve been prescribed methadone and I’m sorry to tell you this but you may have to go back to square one..It May take weeks or months of the doctor trying everything lik shots acupuncture bio feed back. This opiate crisis is scaring doctors..What is the real story is The Fentanyl that’s killing addicts is not coming from doctors. It’s coming from makeshift labs
hey buddy I'm currently being rxd 150mgs of methadone per day for severe pain from a motocross accident 5 years ago. I've been taking methadone for a couple years and im 21 years old now, i have a great doctor and she does anything she can 2 help me but she has told me I'm very lucky countless times because 99% of doctors refuse to script methadone for pain and thats not good news for you, best bet stay at the clinic, sorry 2 let you down
The 40 mgs are only served in clinics..... TheDr......if your blessed enough to find one that understands and cares about your plight the10mgs are all the pharmacies carry
also you can only get the 40s at a clinic so if you somehow do find a doctor 2 script the methadone it will be 10mg pills, i get 450 a month and luckily I'm able to save up a bunch so i always have like 600 or more, anyways good luck hope it works out
I also hate to add further bad news, but as the current laws stand, general practitioners cannot prescribe it for addiction treatment.
I understand not everyone resorts to such clinics due to addiction and you didn't say that's why you were in one, so I am not making any assumptions or judgments.
However, what I am saying is that your going to a clinic that treats addiction is now noted in your medical records, so you would also bear the addict label and they would not be able to prescribe it to you.
And, as was already mentioned by methadoneman, most doctors are reluctant to even prescribe it for pain, because it does carry a very high risk of being habit forming.
Have you tried anything else for your pain?
I know it's a bit of a crap shoot to find something that will help, when you're already taking Methadone, but a good doctor may be able to help.
For anyone unfamiliar with it, you can read more Methadone details here.
Me too and I'm also named Mamie! I'm traveling to Europe, live in San Diego n need a San Diego Dr. Willing to RX -prescribe me 120 mg of methadone for chronic migraine, cervical n lumbar pain. Please help me if u have discovered any help put there. I was also in a clinic but the 40 mg pill form is more practical for traveling than liquid.
hey methadone man,
I was in a car accident in 2006 and have been looking for a doctor that will prescribe methadone, nothing else seems to work or i have to take it too many times a day and look like a pill popper to the public. Anyway you could shoot me her info? send me to {edited for privacy} if you could. thank you.
Where is your Dr.
What is the name of the practice and your Dr's name?
Can you please send me the name of your doc? I'm allergic to methadone but if your doc writes that she might be able to help me! I've had 9 back surgeries and I'm having trouble finding a good doc! DEA has made it so hard for people who really suffer from pain to find help!
I need a doctor in San Diego area that will prescribe me 60mg to 80mg a day of methadone. I've been on 40mg a day, 10mg pills X4 daily thru an HMO last five years for pinched nerve in my neck.l will soon be loosing the HMO so need to find a doctor on my own. The methadone is the only thing that works for the pain I have, the current doctor has kept me at 40mg a day but its not enough. That's I want to increase to 60-80mg. Thanks!
Anyone have info on what kind of pain Dr's to contact for pain management using methadone HCL in Waukesha, wi. Currently on 130mgs of methadone and the Dr that was giving me my scripts for it decided to leave her practice and patients to find their own new doctor, had been seeing her for 10 yrs. all she would do is send my medical records to me. Any info would be totally appreciated in my case I am out after of today, confused.
I'm on 40mg of methadone for the last 4 or 5 years for chronic pain due to pinched nerve in C3,4,5. It has been a nightmare to deal with different dr.s in HMO. Some treat me like a criminal cause I have pain. Please give me any dr. name and address or phone that might help me cause I'm leaving this HMO in the next couple of weeks.
I was going to put my two cents in but Verwon said it for me. You going to a meth clinic for drug addiction or pain?
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