I Have A Embarrassing Question For Any Who May Know (Top voted first)


Is hemroid cream safe to use on ring worms? I am not sure if I have hemroid or ring worms all i know is its very painful. It's a firm lump, it's not bleeding and it's not itchy just very painful. I am going into the doctors tomorrow but I was just curious. I know it won't cure ring worms.

2 Replies

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How do u know its ring worm... and if it is ringworm a doc will prescribe u a different cream a antifungal probably. ...

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Ringworm is, generally, not painful like that. It tends to be more itchy, than anything, though it can sometimes cause small blisters on the skin that may be slightly sore, or irritated, as listed by the NIH.

If it is just a lump on the outer area, then it is most likely a hemorrhoid.

Is it the only lump that you have? Have you seen your doctor, yet?

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