I Have Ryanair And Have Had Numerous Amputations
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Constant pain in my hands and feet. Not where my leg, toes and fingers were. This is REAL pain. I can't get anything to alleviate how bad it hurts.

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Yes it's Raynauds and the only thing I take is an aspiring a day the drs. Here don't understand they say the pain is in my head I went into every amputation knowing they were taking what hurt so if it's gone it can't hurt. I hurt where I still have a stub leg, stub fingers, and no toes it's real pain I do have phantom itch in ONE stub finger but that's it. I don't have phantom pain I have real pain 24-7.

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Hello, Bob! How are you? I'm sorry that you're in pain.

Did you mean Raynaud's?

Are you taking anything to treat it? There are medications that can help. It can also be helped if it's being caused by an underlying condition and that condition is treated.

If you've had amputations, it seems that you must have a very severe form of it. I have it and it has occasionally been worsened with some medications, like a couple blood pressure medications that I tried. I've also found that living in the PNW and wearing warm thermal gloves and thick socks helps a lot.

The pain can be bad.

Have you tried hand warmers? Those little air activated thermal packs they sell? I found them to work wonders.

Are you on any medications?

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