I First Used Multaq In 2003, Kept Perfect Nsr
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Until monday, my life for 6 years has been AFIB hell. I was one of the first 400 test subjects and it worked. They cut off my supply at the end of 14 months, and my heart &body was able to function for an extra 9 months, Without meds, I spiralled into walking death,
in the interest of FDA policy. 5 zappings without Multaq only fried my chest and back over the 6 year
embargo. Finally, the FDA approvoed, and a couple of months later the U.S. VA ordered me a
supply of newly remaned MULTAQ.
I took it dutifully for almost a year, and then a smart cardio doc at the VA scheduled a new electro-zap.
Miracle of miracles...It worked!
After six years of very miserable AF, with maybe a THIRD only of normal circulation, I woke up beating textbook NSR. In the intrim my feet had swollen over the years from size tens to size 13! I had become partially blind in my right
eye, and existed in a near walking death, physical state. It took only 2.5 days to get my kidneys to excrete 14 pounds of edema, my semi-blindness, grotesque foot swelling,neuropathy, confusion, shortness of breath, were abated.
I have my heart and my life back!
A million people died during this
6 year hiatus, pending approval,
Maybe a few hundred thousand
North Americans included. My point is, If something cures
a broken spinal cord, retores, vision to the blind, or fixs a miscontrolled heart, and allows
life, where to the researchers or the FDA get the God-like power
to pull the plug on the authority of
a preceedural policy. I put my life on the line to test their drug, but
the FDA made them treat me like some mere tissue in a peetrie dish!
Any comments??

2 Replies

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You are ONE of the few lucky ones who took MULTAQ with no side effects. There is now a growing list of people who have had their livers destroyed thanks to MULTAQ. This drug was rushed through FDA approval based on false trials by the drug company who owned it. I hope you have your liver function checked because this pill is poison!

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Glad to read that you have finally achieved a good result and sorry about everything you have been through.

Although I know this isn't satisfying in any way, the FDA has the right, because the U.S. government has given it to them. They are charged with protecting the public.

Sadly, even if this means a medication has helped some people, if it seems the dangers or people harmed by it were higher than acceptable, they can pull it and require many more years of testing or refuse to ever approve it all together.

Please post back and keep us updated on how things are with you!


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