I Can't Remember If I Took My Keppra
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I think I accidentally took a double dose of keppra - I'm on 750 mg twice daily, what should i expect?

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Ann, I take 1500 mg Levetiracetam ER once in the morning and 150 mg of lamotrigine 3x's a day in divided doses. As a reminder, I have set alarms on my cell phone when to take each med. I also take keep a pill of lamotrigine wrapped in foil along with me in case I'm not at home at 3 pm when its time to take my next dose of lamotrigine.

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Hello, Ann! How are you? Did you experience any adverse effects?

It can taken in doses up to 3,000mgs a day, so an overdose is doubtful, though that can vary depending on the person and how their body reacts to it, but you will most likely experience more side effects than usual and you may feel very dizzy, nauseous and drowsy, as listed by the FDA.

It would also be wise to contact your doctor and inform them of what happened to be safe.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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