I Believe My Daughter Has Overdosed On Xanax (Top voted first)
UpdatedShe took 20 round blue xanax, 10 25 mg Promethazine and 2 50 mg Pristique that I know of for sure, Tuesday between 3:30 and 9:30 PM. At 5 AM Wednesday her BP was 134/35 and heart rate of 115. Her BP is now 140/94. She has fallen, cannot stand alone, wet the bed once and wet on the floor once. She has no insurance and resisted, strongly, going to the ER. She seems to be a little better this AM. I applied cold cloths to her face and neck and tried to wake her every 15 minutes. She could not speak but did recognize me and was able to tell me how many fingers I was holding up.
4 Replies
You call 911. They will take her to a County facility or State Mental Health Hospital, ONLY with your help Mom?
Hi, Carolyn! I am very sorry about what is going on with your daughter and the danger she has put herself in.
And I have to agree with Eddy.
Whether she is resistant or not, she needs help immediately. There is no assistance anyone online is going to be able to give her to help with this problem, especially when she overdoses. I wish there were, but there just isn't.
Rather than take her in yourself, do as Eddy suggested and call 911, they will send people that are capable of handling it and who can help protect her life.
How is she doing today?
Never heard of blue xanax? You sure that's what they were they do up John purple oval shaped ones but round blue ones sound like diazepam
Re: Jay (# 3)
Well you've heard of them now Jay. That's all I seem to get at Rite Aid, made by Mylan
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