I Am On 60mg Methadone (10mg Tablets) Need Some Answers...help!!!
UpdatedI have moved from Mass.to Florida(central florida), Problem is in Mass my primary care Dr.prescribed my methadone(60mg daily,10mg tablets)each month,for chronic pain (and I have been on this dose for 9years,and this dose is working...no problems with it)Now I move to Florida(and the rules OF COURSE, are so dam different as far as pain meds go in the state of Florida)So "obviously" my primary in Florida cant write methadone (as I were kind of told by my Pharmicist in Mass)so I had to start on a Pain Clinic (YIPPEE) anyhow,I presented my pain manag. doctor with all my records(from my Doctors in Mass-about my chronic pain) and he seems to "THINK" he is a miracle worker, he wants to do all kinds of diagnostics to see if I do indeed have peripheral neurapothy (which has always been my diagnosis for 9years) But what he DOESNT understand is that what I am taking is working and has been working...(its like don't touch something if its not broken, kind of thing) but I told my husband let him do all the diagnostics he wants to but the fact will ALWAYS remain, My legs,ankles,feet calves are always burning or just VERY VERY SORE! (to be honest when I started seeing this pain doctor, I were on 70mg daily (10mg tablets)but he asked me if I could do away with 10mg leaving me on 60mg. and its just NOT LASTING!! Anyone know what would be a "POSSIBLE" drug that is equivalent to the 60mg methadone (even if its time released, and he does add something else for break through pain,) I such a hard time early morning and later after dinner-does anyone know a Pain Manag. doctor who doesn't have a problem writing methadone for chronic pain in Central Florida?? I am more towards Kissimmee, Florida area(F.Y.I) that may help out a bit. HOPE someone gets back to me soon!I see the pain manag.doctor next Thursday, and wanna see what I can do-Thanx so much-glad I found this site!!!!!!
4 Replies
Hello, Tammy! How are you? I'm sorry about the problems that you've been having.
Most doctors are going to be reluctant to prescribe Methadone, due to its highly addictive nature and how often it's abused. Most are also going to require you to get some current diagnostics done to evaluate your condition. You're not going to find one that will just prescribe it, without looking into your condition and medical history.
Even after they do so, there are no guarantees that they'll prescribe it.
This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.
A better idea might be to speak to your doctor about trying the Fentanyl patch. It is a very potent narcotic in a patch that you wear for 3 days. It's very effective at managing pain for many people.
Can anyone suggest a good doctor in that area?
Find another dr. Check n the tampa area. Methadone is the best pain relieving medication Ihave taken. And I used to be perscribed oxycodone and I traded that perscription for methadone because my dr was decreasing my methadone and Iincreasing my oxycodone. I refused for my methadone to be decreased and gave uo the oxy to keep it and glad I did!!
I moved from PA to Florida and I had free insurance up there. I move to this s***y ass state and now I can't get any help because Florida didn't put enough funding in for someone that is single with no kids. I did pay for the clinic for 3 yrs. but.. I can't pay anymore. Now I don't have a job and I'm in withdraw. I WISH THIS STATE WOULD CHANGE!!!
Hi Tammy, I too had to move to Tn. last Oct / 2016 and had the exact same concern and problem which today approx. 6 months later I can honestly say my problem has been resolved. The new guidelines for prescribing any opiate medication has changed drastically! I too had been able to receive my med. monthly through my primary physician in Pa. I had and industrial accident in 2006 and numerous surgeries...the main surgeries 2 on my lower back and 1 on my cervical column were necessary as I had no choice and without them I would have never walked again. I am 59 yrs. old today and have never had records of drug abuse or a 'redlined' with the DEA. concerning 'pill seeking or abuse', this is very imp. today with the use of computers ALL states have the capability of checking any previous states were you have lived and they do check, I know this for a fact! NO primary physician by state law now is allowed to prescribe any narcotic beyond a certain guideline (Tn. is 30 days) after this time you must be prescribed by a Pain Specialist! NO EXCEPTIONS! The Southern states have become extremely strict about this and many 'pill mills' are being shutdown daily. I did read your post but excuse me if I am not exact at your question and do not take me in the wrong manner should it sound as if I am saying you have and addiction problem or 'pill shopping' I assure you I am not. I am 100% disabled and my accident has left me with memory loss. I am only relating what I have learned since moving from Pa. to Tn. out of family need. Was a very large concern when I made this move.
The narcotic I take daily is a necessary as without it I have NO quality life and do suffer greatly. In Pa. like yourself over the course of 2 yrs. I tried alto of meds. in different doses and brand of meds. themselves before finding what really worked, and i was satisfied that I had no side effects and was in control of my body and mind. I was not in any manner looking for a high, actually this I did not want at all. I was from morphine with fentanyl patch to start and hated it. But being shortly after my surgeries tolerated it due to the amount of pain. As time went on i slowly decreased my medication to BRAND. not GENERIC as there is a huge difference today with generic meds. and absolutely pay the little extra copy for 'brand'! When I moved to Tn. in Oct. of 2016 I was fortunate to find a recognized pain specialist here in Tn.! Finding a recognized pain specialist in Fla. is one of the most imp. needs you will have in eventually receiving the medication you need and have been established on. Many pain specialists are being watched within the states, as many are documented with the DEA and the state of Fla. with running a 'pill mill' or just outright prescribing opiates to individuals who really have no legitimate need and can be lowered or even removed all together from a narcotic medication. Actually this is what EVERY state is looking to do because of the epidemic of drug overdoses and those who are obtaining narcotics and selling them on the street! I am taking it that you are truly disabled , have the records to substantiate your needs, New MRI'S, conferring with you Dr.s in the state you have moved from etc. as this is important and a true and legitimate Pain Spec. in Fla. will not jeopardize his license to meet your need immed.!
This is why I have expressed the need to ask around and make damn sure he was not known as a 'pill mill' Dr. if he was you are at the wrong pain spec. ! DO NOT shop around from one to the other as this will make it virtually impossible to eventually get your EXACT dosage and amt. of meds. that has worked for years. I followed the advice of a very good friend in Pa. she is a Dr. herself. A Gynecologist. This was a huge concern for 2 months before I moved. She assured me if I followed her advice I would be fine, and today I am even better thanks to her! I found a pain spec. who on his website had some not so good recommendations and had more better than worse ! What it all boiled down to was those who legitimately were disabled and had the needed documentation and the Pain Specialist was legit and in good standing with the state were able to help. It is now governed by the state law itself, the Dr. can only ask not just move forward and do as he wishes, reason for a legit pain spec. once again! It will determine your outcome by 100%!! My needed and Proven best meds. when I left Pa. was 2 - BRAND (not generic) 10/325 Percocet every 6 hrs. Was the perfect dosage, controlled my pain to the point of a quality life and I got absolutely NO EUPHORIA, this is what I wanted and it worked! This was my dosage in Pa. for over 5 yrs., sure there were some days the pain level would be a little worse but I lived with it. Remember from the very beginning I knew for the rest of my life there would be some daily pain, but very little.
At first my new Pain Spec. here in Tn. after talking , being honest with him and agreeing that the state of Tn. would not by any means agree with this dosage, but with my cooperation and a month or 2 of patience he would put me back in the comfort seat, I agreed! Ordered all new MRI's, did and EGG, checked my DEA files in Pa. for any reported abuse issues and personally spoke with all my Dr's. Took 2 months of patience and 2 U/A's, a lecture and paperwork I had to sign for the state of Tn. laws and guidelines for narcotic dispensing for him to jump hoops and prescribe legally my medicine that I needed so badly. The pill abuse and overdoses in the U.S. have made it extremely hard for all who are I legitimate need, we are the ones who are suffering! He actually was given the o.k. by the state of Tn. Under the condition of a monthly pill count an monthly U/A's to prescribe me a med. that the state of Tn. has put a label on 'for the terminally ill and a date of future know death only'! This medicine being Brand Oxycontin (not Oxycodone) 30 mg. I.R (immed. release) 4 x per. day! Extremely hard and very unheard of today under the new state guidelines. Work with your pain specialist and the worse thing you can do is get upset and demand a certain medicine, with the new guidelines it appears (remember they are not yet sure of what you need till further evaluations, etc.) that you are not just pill shopping, have and addiction problem or selling them on the street ! BEST ADVICE: Saying you legitimately need this medicine and have the needed proof! Find a reputable Pain Spec. from the beginning. Talk with him / her and be honest. Agree to try and alternate/substitute (say nothing like it's not working etc.)! At each visit make sure you U/A is clean, 1 positive of any street drug today ...YOU ARE DONE! Guaranteed. After a few visits and he has gotten to know you (for all he knows you could be working with the state or DEA) deeply explain your concern and disappointment that the medicine you have been taking for years and worked is not being considered. HE WILL get you back, guaranteed if all is straight and documented on your on your end. Patience and honesty. Best of luck.
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