I Use To Get Severe Headache (Top voted first)


I used to get severe headache & my doctor prescribed the pills Flunarin & Encorate Chrono daily. It's almost a month & I haven't got the headache even once whereas I used to get it 4 to 5 times every month before. My question is I've never had seizures in my life time & why was I recommended this pill? Also please let me know the side effects of these pills,

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Can I miss my period being on poli flunarin and Seralys .

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Flunarin contains the active ingredient Flunarizine, it is a calcium channel blocker and is often used to treat migraines.

Side effects of these medications may include nausea, dizziness, hypotension and stomach pain.

Learn more Flunarin details here.

Encorate Chrono contains the active ingredient Sodium Valproate and it has also been approved to treat migraines, because of the way it works on brain chemicals.

Its side effects may include nausea, dizziness, tremors and vomiting.

Learn more Encorate Chrono details here.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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