I Take Advair, Benztropine, Levothyroxine ,atorvastatin ,traxodone, Fluoexetine, Campral, And Tested Positive For Amphetemines.


My last UA tested false positive for amphetemines. I use nothing that contains amphetemines. I take the following:
Advair (250), Benztropine, Levothyroxin,
Atorvastatin ,Traxodone, Fluoexetine, Campral. Itested, I tested . I tested "presumed" Positive For Amphetimines.
Would any of them cause "presumed positive" on a UA?

2 Replies

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Actually, the Benztropine has been known to cause false positives for Amphetamines, on the less expensive, non-certified tests, this can occur anywhere from 4 to 50% of the time.


Is there anything else I can help with?

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I had a prescription bottle that contained my thyroid medicine levothyroxin and was pulled over by a cop who perfomed what I assumed to be a litmus test, and said the swab turned blue and that meant it tested positive for amphetamines. This is not possible, so Im wondering if he lied or if somehow the remnants of my meds could have produced this result?

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