I Need To Find A Doctor Indianapolis In That Will Prescribe Methadone For Chronc Pain (Top voted first)
I was switched from oxycontin 4x per day to methadone 4x per day 3 years ago---worst thing I ever did. Methadone IS SO ADDICTIVE.....ITS THE WORST FEELING EVER. If I don't take it exactly on time my skin crawls.Recently asked doc bout getting off of them and was told would have to go inpatient for up to 6 weeks hooked up to monitors for my heart and what not....scary as heck. try anything else
Demi--I'm by NO MEANS any type of medical doc etc, but in my experience and from talking to others at my pain clinic on methadone, it takes a while. At my pain clinic you have to sign a contract that they will be the only docs to RX ANY TYPE of pain meds what-so-ever.Well,several months ago,I went to ER cause I had a seizure &fell into something on the way down and messed up my shoulder.It was late night and couldn't get ahold of my pain doctor.I was totally HONEST,&I always am to any & all docs,whether ER,specialists,etc about what meds I'm on.When they were discharging me they said because of the meds I'm on they can't RX any other type of pain meds so 'just take an extra pain pill that you already have if you need one' &that I did.When I told my pain doc he was furious cause I ran out 1.5 days early and he totally freaked out on me. Anyways, back to how long it takes--the most I've ever gone without my methadone was 6.5 days.I felt like death.Sweats,shakes,muscle aches,felt like my body was curling up but that would hurt so I would stretch,,,horrible horrible horrible.....Can I ask why you are stopping them? I give you a lot,tremendous tremendous credit for going off of them but I seriously,especially you say you have an infant,think you need a docs help to wein (?spelling) off of them.Don't ever ever ever cold turkey any kind of med like that,especially methadone.There is alot of reading about gettting off of methadone on the internet,I suggest you read up before you do this.I'm really concerned for you. Go to the ER if you don't have a doc,explain to them what you are doing,depending on the ER they should work with you or at least help you to find the right path to take. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF AND THAT BABY!!! THAT BABY NEEDS A MOM WHOS HEALTHY........VERWON--You have anything further on this,,,,,,you always have had the best advice
Thank you, thank you, thank you a million times over. I know to some people it may seem that i dont really wantthe help bad enough or i would have done it myself, but it just paralyzes me and i cant seem to help myself although its truly help that i want more than anything in this world. I can barely hold my tears back and am shaking just trying to text. You are my angel, my gift from God to care so much for someone you dont even know. As my tears are now rolling down my face (and snot running out of my nose) my heart is filled with joy with the hope of something transpiring from this. God bless you fir helping someone who is too depressed to help themself. If i do get help from your compassion, i would love to meet you because you will be the person who saves my life. I cant say thank you enough. I just want my life back. Not only have you helped me but my innocent daughters as well. Thank you and God bless you for caring so much for a stranger.
We'll i only made it three days and did not sleep a wink(which seemed too be the hardest for me), skin crawling 24/7. I'm very disappointed in myself because today i couldn't take it any more and used(methadone 30mg) I really think l would sacrifice a LOT to be able to stop but i have tried 3 times( only once in a rehab because i don't have ins.) This methadone is the hardest thing i have ever had to face and believe me, that is saying alot. My brother died in a car wreak (or commited suicide, not sure which), my father put a gun in his mouth and blew his brains out after my brother died even though i dont think that was why he did it. My father didnt seem to give a s*** about either one of us since my parents divorced when i was around 10 years old and my brother 12. Then they split us up like idiots and they (parents) both had there own agenda and we weren't at the top of their lists. I could go on and on but who wants too hear all that depressing s*** huh? But i must add being molested by my stepdad (to which my mother asked me to go along with it until she could hire a privite detective so she could get more money out of the divorce. This happened twice with my stepdad at home, the first time she said he was going through a midlife crisis and then it happened again when she finally made me "go along" with it until she got pictures from the privite eye etc. I was also molested by my own grandfather(as several of my cousins were), but in our sick family things were covered up, and even made my cousin say she was lying after she told someone at school to keep him from being arrested. The list goes on and on. I'm not looking for sympathy just help. I was in a car crash a few years back but i could honestly do without the methadone and my back would be fine. I never remember my parents telling me to not do drugs but i know i cant blame them. Wrong choice in guys, ones i thought i could save and help until this last one introduced me to herion, oxys, and now ive managed to just get down to methadone, which is the worst habit i have ever had and could not stop by myself. I envy those people on Dr. Phil and intervention. I would give up a hand or foot to be in those guests shoes who get help. The treatment i went to was horrible. I thought they were going to kill me on accident. They made me take my RX for Adderall but would not let me take my clozapam and i have a heart condition on top of that. I thought i was going to die just like i felt yesterday. When i had my 19 month old it came to be known in the hospital that i have SVT. From what i understand only 2 of the 4 valves in my heart work making the other two work harder. I need surgery but have no insurance. My baby was a preemie and her flap in her heart has not closed as it should but the Doc's are hoping they will close, it can just happen when they are born premature i guess. I have a 17 year old who only by the grace of God doesnt do drugs but i see her depression. Her dad just got out of jail and she see's that i do not feel good a lot of the time. I need to get rid of my 19 months old Dad, he is worse than my 17 year olds Dad thats an alcoholic. I am living with much harder drugs and pills with my latest "catch" which i met at church, go figure. I sooooo want to stop but feel like i have shortness of breath and could sometimes die by that 3rd day without the methadone. If anyone knows how (although i would rather have help without everyone seeing me on national television like Dr. Phil and Intervention but i need help. Could anyone who reads this please forward it to anyone that they thought could help. I have such morbid thoughts like wishing i was in an accident so maybe i would be in a coma for a month or three to get this out of my system. If you can help please do and if not please impress on your kids and all you know to never take drugs. It is robbing me of living today and eveyday. Please pray for me and my girls and i pray for others in my similair drug addiction. God bless all of us with addiction. I wish i could help some of you like me but right now i can't help myself but i will keep trying. Don't ever give up, surely my live and everyones else who needs help will hopefully get help in time. Hang in there.
Be very careful with loperamide. It has a very low overdose threshold. The DEA doesn't mind people dying, so long as the rest of us don't get pain relief, so it's not scheduled. Google the specs.
I'm sorry, but there's no central listing of doctors that will prescribe any particular medication and there's never a guarantee when seeing one that they will prescribe anything.
The main problem with Methadone is that is so highly habit forming and addictive. This makes most doctors very reluctant to prescribe it for pain, unless everything else has completely failed to work and all other options have been exhausted.
Learn more Methadone details here.
What else have you tried to treat your pain?
There are other options available and, if you don't have insurance, there are even some assistance programs that can help with some of them.
Today is my 2nd day without methadone and i feel like s***. Which is really sad that i have an 18month baby and feel so guilty for not being the best Mom that i should be. How much longer if i dont take anymore? Thanks for your help. I dont have insurance but i guess does not compare considering whats at stake. What can i look forward to and how long on the withdrawls? Thanks
Thank you for your kind words of encouragement and prayers. I am sorry for your struggles and i hope both ofyour sons are doing better. Why did you not go on the Dr. Phil show when they asked. Not my business, just curious. I dont have that type of insurance that you do in your state. I can't be honest with my mother because she has said in the past that if i loved my girls enough i would stop and as we all know, it is not that easy. I am really not honest with anyone but on here where no one knows me. The E.R. here will only keep you 72 hours and only if you say you are suicidal which i'm afraid to say for fear of getting on child protective services radar. It took so much out of me to say aloud and write a lot of the things i have been through that i must confess, i dont have it in me again to admit again what i wrote in my earlier email. I"m 42 in case you were wondering and i have to buy the methadone off the street because i cant get up on time in the a.m. to go to a clinic. Plus, i cant go to a clinic or my daughter and mother would wonder where i was going. I am not very technical savy, but i know when i run out of these methadone i"m going to be right back in the gutter. What a vicious cycle. Do you know how to copy and paste or forward my earlier email to Dr. Phil for me? I hate to ask you to do that for me but i promise you if they called me i would go regardless of having to then tell my mom and daughter. I understand if you dont know how to forward it or if you cant for whatever reason. Thanks for taking the time to answer my cry for help without belittling me. I cant imagine your situation and my heart goes out to you and your family. I will keep you in my prayers.
We didn't go through with the Dr Phil show for many reasons,,most were very personal,sorry this is not the forum I want to go into that with.I totally understand what you are saying about the ER visits.A 72 hold,unless you ARE suicidal would be all that you could do AND yes,CPS would probably step in and take temporary custody of your children,,,sad to say.I think the ER legally has to call CPS if there is a risk of you harming yourself.It would be what is best for your children. Do you have ANY family or friends that you could trust to take care of your children while you do get help? Remember,if you don't take care of yourself,how can you take care of them? I went thru sooooooooo many times like you are currently experiencing.You want the help,but you don't want to loose your children,right? In my opinion and in my prayers I really hope that you can find someone trust worthy enough to guide you thru this.Do you belong to a church or that type of organization? If you don't belong I'm sure there are churches in your area with a priest or minister etc that would listen and try to get you some help. Churches do get bad raps, but there still are SOME that just want to help people (not just looking for donations of money). I belong to a catholic church, but I'm not a practicing catholic I guess you could say because I don't go to church. (the main reason I don't attend is because I can't drive with my seizures,,,,I never know when they will come).....Another BIG thing you might want to keep in mind,,,,you say you get your Methadone illegally. What if you get caught doing that? You will not only loose your kids, but you will go thru withdrawls in prison where they don't care what you are withdrawing from, they just let you suffer.I, thank GOD, have never had this happen to me,but I know personally someone that this happened to. I can't imagine how bad that would be. Someday, medical care, &addiction/dependence (is a medical diagnosis) will be alot better in this country but until then, we are all on our own. I will be more than happy to forward your postings on to the Dr Phil show &I'll pray daily that they contact you &get you the help you need. You are a good person, obviously you are a good mother (all you seem to be concerned about is the care&protection of your children-which is wonderful) you just need someone,anyone to listen to you. I pray Dr Phil will contact you and LISTEN to you. There's got to be sometype of organization in your community i.e. Community Mental Health etc. Try contacting your local hospital, explain your situation, but tell them you are trying to get help for a 'friend' they may be of some help. Until then my friend, I will forward your posting to the Dr Phil show and I will continue to pray for you and your children. Take Care and Stay Safe
DEMI---Just forwarded the postings to the Dr Phil Show. Lets cross our fingers and hope he will respond. Take Care and Be Safe
Thanks you soooo much! You may have just saved my life. I can't wait to be able to give back and help someone like you have me, but right now I can't even help myself. I can't do it alone, I've tried. I thanks you a million times over and pray something comes of it. I Will let you know if I hear from them. God bless you and your family. You are truly a gift from God to help a stranger in such desperate need. THANK YOU!!!!!!!
Brim, thx for the words of encouragement and taking thet time to reply, but I don't want to go to a methadone clinic, I want to be off this crap, but can't seen to make it through the withdrawals. I have even taken Roxy's and I hate to admit it but have even snorted heroin when I was suffering and couldn't get anything else. I try to not to do that often but unfortunately I have gone to that low. I don't want a Dr. for an RX or to continue on Methadone. I want off of it all, but have only made it 3 days in the past and caves because I couldn't handle the withdrawals. Do you know of anything to help me make it through the withdrawals? Does that AZ2 or whatever they offer to sell on these posts work? Today is my 1st day w/o anything again, and I"m so scared of what is in store for me until I find more methadone or suffer through this agony again until????? Several people have been so kind, just as you have and a couple even forwarded my previous posts to Dr. Phil for me because I couldn't even do that for myself, all I can do is stay in the bed and suffer and feel sorry for myself while my skin crawls and body aches. I know some people have it worse than me but unfortunately that knowledge doesn't seem to help me at this time. I just want to be clean for my girls and get my life back. It's so overwhelming for me. Thx for everybodys help, including yours. God bless.
Hi Demi,
Well, there are a couple of unorthodox options that you can try. One is taking loperamide for withdrawal symptoms. If you google "loperamide for withdrawals", a lot of options come up. Loperamide is actually an OTC anti-diarrheal (name brand is immodium but get the generic) medication you can buy anywhere. Buy a lot. People who have tried it swear that they suffer little to no withdrawal symptoms after taking somewhat large doses (sometimes 20+ tabs). It's actually an opiate, but one that does not cross into your brain so there is no high feeling, but your body will feel like it took some sort of opiate. The other option is a substance I can't think of right now, but it's extremely hard to get and very expensive, and may be illegal in the us anyway, so try the loperamide first. I wish you luck! Let us know how it goes!
Demi, I also wanted to say that I know what you mean by being paralyzed with withdrawal. When I run out of the medication I take for pain and have to go a day or two without it, I can barely get myself out of bed, and when I do, I pretty much get to the couch, no further. It's definitely hard to get up and fix a situation when withdrawal just takes all if your energy. But know that every day it gets easier. If you can stay at home for a few days, try taking loperamide OTC- you may haven't at home) until you feel some relief, but don't exceed 25 tabs. There is a lethal amount, but it's extremely high. It will help with the physical effects. Good luck to you!
Brim, thank you, I will try the lopermide and let you knowhow it goes. I finally Medicaid or Medicare, not sure which right now but I am going to be able to get my heart surgery now. I'm hoping they keep me in the hospital for a few days or more and maybe that will help me get a couple of days behind me too. I will keep you posted. Thanks for everything. God bless you.
omg! i am in the same place. i take methadone on a daily basis, i have even used H to ease the wd. i been to clinics,way to expensive. i have 4 kids at home,2 school aged the other 2 are my grandkids. im.at a loss. dont know what else to do. dont wanna go back to clinic. HELP
Everyone, Methadone is very addictive, but is also one of the best opiates to fight pain withoug passing on a large amount of euphoria. It is just as safe, if not safer than just about all other opiates. Unfortunately not a lot of doctors understand Methadone, which is why we have all these false rumors. Methadone saved my life, PERIOD!! The half life is up to 36 hours which is why it is safe and stable. But is also why it has longest withdraw period (methadone = [14-21+ days of withdraw if quit cold turkey] vs. (OxyCodone = [4-6+ days cold turkey])
A long Methadone withdraw period can be completely avoided tho if your doctor does a proper taper. That involves a ong slow taper, with plateauing periods between large decreases. You want to decrease slowly all the way down to 1 or 2 mg a day. If you just lower to 5mg a day, and then quit, you could be feeling like crap for over a week. Don't rule Methadone out because of rumors, it could save your life.. It saved mine.
Hi! There's a good Dr.here in Fort Wayne,that prescribes methadone. Idk your situation but,I think we have all been in a some what similar situation.
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