I Have Been On The Same Pain Medication For About 3 Years How Do Ask My Doctor That Think Its Time To Change Medications (Top voted first)
UpdatedI have been on the same medication for 3 years how do i go about asking my dr to change my medications. How do i explain to him that they no longer releave me pain any longer ?
10 Replies
To Chronic Pain, regarding your response to Livvi: Don't try to "doctor" someone you don't even know! I've been on the same dose of pain meds for over 7 years (it is, thankfully, still effective at the same dose.) I don't need to go off them to know that I still have pain--the pain reminds me of that. I'm on a time-release narcotic that's supposedly good for 12 hours; the reality is that 6-8 hours is about the maximum time of relief I get (not unusual for this medication.) In order to wait 12 hours for the next extended-release dose, I have to take a different short-acting narcotic for "breakthrough" pain. Sometimes I can wait longer between doses; sometimes I have to take the breakthrough med much closer to the extended-release one, if the pain is particularly severe. So...you have no idea from what condition this person suffers. Telling them they HAVE to wean off their pain meds to see if they still have pain is an ignorant and foolish response. If this person was the uncertain, nervous type and actually took your advice seriously, you may be condemning them to months of horrible pain because they thought weaning off was necessary. Hopefully they're smarter than that and find instead a COMPETENT PCP or pain specialist (not all of them are competent--remember, half of all doctors graduated in the bottom half of their class.) Then they can be evaluated with ALL the facts and hopefully get whatever help they need.
Hello,, I just within this last month moved from AR to here in Smyrna, TN.. For the past two years I was seeing monthly a pain management group due to pain with my lower lumbar in my back,, had back surgery 2 years ago,, pain from right lower back into my hip down my left leg,, was getting injections in my lower back and getting 150 hydrocodone 7.5/325 per month. Last seen pain center on 7-18-14. They gave me one more month refill and told me because I had moved longer than 45 minutes away,, they would no longer see me. I need a pain dr here near Smyrna, TN or Mufreesboro, TN that won't refuse me narcotics that I've been on for over a year. I need help!! Please!!! Thank you.
Boy oh boy lulu thanks for that response. I don't think I would have been as nice.
Just talk to them about it, your doctor should be well aware that the same dosage and/or same medication doesn't work for anyone forever and they will require a dosage adjustment, or switch to a different medication sooner or later.
You're actually very fortunate that it worked for you for 3 years.
What medication where you taking?
No ask for subutex you dont want naltraxone in thare it can couse some nasty side effects and long term opioid use is compleatly harmless when tooken correctly one can take indefinitely when nessasary
wasnt aware thanks for info
Hi Dianabrn! As Dr. Verwon said," just have a talk with your doctor." I'm sure he/she will understand. I was in the same situation as you when I was on pain meds. Your body also builds up a tolerance to the medication when taken for so long. I had to increase my pain meds and sometimes change to something stronger. My doctor at the time, was very understanding.
My oxycontin was just increased by 10mg. due mostly I believe to built up tolerance as it was not helping my pain. I also got a second opinion from my primary care dr. who communicates with my pain management dr. and who also does some pain management and my primary care dr. verified for me that it is true that some people metaboloize the 12 hour dosage differently and because my pain management dr. wouldn't believe that mine was only lasting 8 hours at most, I was so fortunate that my primary care dr whom my pain management dr. highly respects agreed with me that it is very possible that for me oxycontin only works for the most 8 hours. The thing now is: I'm not sure that the extra 10mg. has really done much to help with my pain. I usually go to pain management every 28 days but since the increase (only 2 1/2 weeks ago), I now go every 2 weeks. I'm very afraid to tell her that it doesn't seem to help that much for fear of her thinking I'm seeking extra drugs. She does trust me. She has gotten to know me pretty well and we have never had any issues regarding misuse or calling for early renewal, etc. but the last thing I want is for her to get any idea at all that I might be seeking drugs...........What should I do. Should I just leave it alone as I only so recently got an increase? I would appreciate a response from Dr. Vernon please. Thanks!
Re: Chronic pain (# 5)
That IS NOT THE PURPOSE OF SUBOXONE! Also, a competent person would NEVER suggest such a thing. Just because someone became addicted, and takes subs now does not mean pain meds are bad- some ppl can only have quality life with pain meds to manage their pain.
You need to be weened off of pain meds to see if pain still exists. Ask your doctor to prescribe Suboxone. You place a strip under your tongue. It takes away all withdrawal symptoms and will tell your doctor whether your pain is real or has gone away. Pain meds are bad for people. Long term use is never good. Ask for suboxone.
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