I Have Been On Ms Contin 30 Mg For A Long Time 3xday And Recently Denied Job Because Of My Back Issues How Would To Be Off This So It Doesnt Show Up I
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In 2008 I had back surgery for sciatac problems, spinal fussion. I was left with severe back pain afterwards. I now see a pain managment MD and take 30mg MS Contin 3 x day, Vicoden 5/325 prn and have a spinal neurostimulator implanted in my back. I recently applied for a job (medical proffesional) had blood and urine test, so I told them why and obtained a letter from my doctor stating why I was on meds and that I had no restrictions or limitations. Well, the offer of the job was recinded. My husband thinks I should go off these meds next time and then not had to deal with any of this. So - how long would I have to be off the morphine for it to NOT show up on a drug test? Also aware that stoping these meds abruptly is not advised and I would discuss with my doctor. Thanks in advance

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Hi, for the medication to NOT show up on a drug test/urine test you would need a good 4-5 days. BUT you WILL be withdrawing at this point and actually could be severely sick with chills, hot flashes, vomiting, dizziness, severe discomfort and uncontrolable twitching. I DO NOT recommend you just stop this at any time. You are going to need a STRONG support system and great will power and self restraint to get off this medication. I recommend a slow decline maybe as little as 5-10mg less a week until you get to where you are having trouble sleeping at night. Then stop reducing at that point until you are on a regular sleeping pattern again. Then drop by 1-5mg a week until the same thing happens, and continue until you are off this medication. This is just a suggestion of a safe way to come off that medication you should always consult your doctor before reducing you medication.

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The offer may have been rescinded for various reasons, such as they might be worried about the effects the medications have on you and your ability to perform the duties of the position, which is a very valid concern.

For instance, if you might be dealing with people and administering care in emergency situations, they have to think of how the medications may affect your ability to think clearly in such situations. Many facilities have restrictions on what drugs medical professionals can be using and under the influence of, while they are actively working.

As to the medications you are on, if you want to try to stop taking them to get clean tests, then the longest time span would be due to the Hydrocodone, which can be detectable in a blood test for up to 2 weeks, after your last dosage.

Though, depending on the type of jobs you are applying for, a physical and doctor's report may still be necessary, which would disclose the nature of your condition, anyway.



Is there anything else I can help with?

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