I Have A Prescription For Hydrocodone And Been Taking It As Prescribed But Recently Took Urine Test Which Came Back Positive (Page 5)
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I have a prescription for Hydrocodone and have been taking it as prescribed. Recently I took a urine test which came back positive for not only Hydrocodone, but Oxycodone as well. I have only taken what has been prescribed to me, and do not take anything else. I do not know how Oxycodone showed up in this test. Any information, thoughts, theories would be greatly appriciated.

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Iam prescribed roxycodone 15 mg x5 a day. I never run out but this time i think i will be 1or 2 days short, because i have a kidney stone. If i took some 750 vicodin, #1- would i get into trouble? (pain management) #2- would it show up on my urine test? Please let me know before the 20th. Thank you so much. God bless.

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Opana, Klonopin and Xanax killed my mom, be careful.

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My question is similar, I took 4, 0.5mg. Xanax, then 6 days later my pain mgmt. Sent my urine to Ameritox twice a year for 5 years. I have always passed, I only took them because I was at my moms and took wrong meds.I am rx Valium,oxycodone,methodone I am worried this will show the Xanax 1 time use. Please help. I don't want to lose my doctor I took my test almost a month ago I go back in a few days. I called the office to confirm appt. But I don't know if that's a good sign hope and pray I know I will always be very careful from now on.

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I'm so confused today I did my normal every 2 weeks drug screening, I'm on norco 10/325 2 pills every 8hrs. & most days I still last in bed in tears but will not take more than perscribed. Today, my dr comes in & starts yelling at me, b/c I had a very "faint" line showing OXYCOTIN! I'm not even sure what that is.. & when I said to him "whats that?" He told me "you're not stupid" & never even answered me!! I have never taken this or know one person who does! Now my dr is having a nurse come to my home once a week to "counsel" me! I've been on these meds for over 2 years, every drug test normal... Now I'm confused & lost, & I didn't do ANYTHING OR TAKE ANYTHING OTHER THAN WHAT I'M PERSCRIBED! I don't understand, I've never taken anything of anyone elses... Does anyone have insight on what I can do??

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I have just had the same thing happen to me. I have been prescribed 10/325 Norco every 6 hrs/as needed not to exceed 4. I take my meds as prescribed, yet sometimes I take all 4, sometimes 3, sometimes 5 hours apart. I just took a UA and there was NO trace of meds in my test. So, I was dropped as a patient and told that since I didn't have enough in my system, I must be giving them away or selling them. I was in tears for hours feeling like I've been treated as a criminal. I have a genetic defect in my spine and severe nerve impingement. I was going next week to begin more epidural injections but now I don't want to go to a dr. that will look at me like a criminal. I was told that if I want pain meds I have to follow up with my PCP. I asked if they could at least offer some kind of treatment to take me off without having to go through severe withdrawals, since they have had no prob with my becoming dependent on those meds, and I was told just to follow up with my PCP. I'm not a criminal, i don't take these meds for fun-I would prefer not to be in constant pain! I prefer to be able to do the things I love to do but can't because of severe pain! Those that take these meds recreational are causing drs. to be suspicious of everyone and it's wrong!!

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Why does Vicodin show up as positive for herion, on drug screen?

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Take as many as your body can maximally take each day and night until the 16th - regardless of pain at this point. You will not overdose because your post reveals how careful and aware you seem regarding the drug's effects. Now, it is catch up time if there is any concern you will be dropped or dosage minimized by the physician. It's not worth the risk of losing your normal script. Best of luck.

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This just happened to me today. Now I have to wait til next Tuesday to find out what happens next. This is a bunch of bs if ya ask me. If they can't do their job properly then THEY are the ones who need to move on. Don't penalize someone for doing nothing wrong.

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the same thing happened to me. they have no sympathy at and it happened 2 times. I did not take the hydrocodone and it showed in 2 urine tests. if they didn't want to see me they could have just said that.

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PLEASE advise. I am prescribed 4 pills daily, of ten mg generic lortab. I ran out. I have to see my doctor next week. How much and when to take to be abled to pass the urine test. Im prescribed 4 every 24 hours....Please please tell me

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Scroll lower, and you'll see I went through about the same nightmare as you, recently, with the same commonality: we HONESTLY took NOTHING ELSE, nothing we were not prescribed!
I empathize with you: I, too, felt as if I were being criminalized, treated hideously, as if I were the dreaded, infamous 'recreational drug users' that I KNOW they deal with on a regular basis, but for Pete's Sake, they should also KNOW many of their patients are NOT of that character.
And if my saying that tees anyone off (painting them as a criminal for taking the 'one old pill' or 'something borrowed' from a friend), sorry: if the shoe fits, wear it.

The WHOLE PROBLEM in this specific situation is that there is a MISTRUST in the medical community, that they automatically ASSUME a patient is a casual drug-seeker first, an honest-to-gosh patient with a hugely-painful medical condition and not a dishonest bone in their body LAST. And this HURTS those who really do need and have to take narcotics on a regular basis, what with all the extra forms, having to personally pick up scrips for refills every single month of our lives (and when you're mobility-challenged and living alone, this is a horror to deal with), the rationing we have to do because Docs refuse to up our dosage to relieve the increasing pain (yes, we are 'dependant on our meds, but this is not the same as ADDICTED), having to reschedule every hour of our lives according to whether we just took our meds or we're in that grey fog of limbo pain an hour or two BEFORE we can take our next dose, etc. Were it not for those who flagrantly ABUSE prescription drugs for a 'high' or 'soft fuzzy feeling' (ijits), those of us who depend on these just to NOT be howling in excruciating pain 24/7 would not have to go through the misery of so much red-tape and suspicion.
The irony is, WE HATE IT, because we don't get (let alone go for) the 'buzz' the druggies seek, we just get (hopefully) SOME relief from our bone/cancer pain, that we *MIGHT* be able to make it through a day with 5 on a 10 scale pain (instead of the screaming 8 and 9 on a 10 scale) in order to accomplish the very few personal and household tasks we are still able to do).

Tammy, I hope you never have to go through this again, because it was not just a little old 'bump' in your day/week, it had to have made you feel incredibly frustrated and even betrayed. We have it hard enough, with our lives being the 'half-lives' they are, without having our docs and nursing staff think we are 'faking it' all 'just' to get drugs, on top of everything...

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Hello, I have a question. I am on MS contin 30mg 2/day, and Oxycodone 7.5 / 325 3 /day. Some times I fluctuate how I take the meds. 1-3 days before I go in for a UA test, I always go back to the prescribed amount / dose. Can they see this on the tests if I go back down to the required 48-72 hours before the test. Thanks,

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I was tested 2day for what i am percribed which is hydrocodone and my urine test showed positive for oxycodone. what can show up as oxycodone? i have not taken any of the oxycodone medication in years. how can this happen? I could loose my dr. and it will be on my record, I'm, looking at surgery and have been on hydrocodone for 11 years. This is terrible. I feel like I'm being treated like a criminal. I don't have insurance and can't just go anywhere. i wonder if they are trying to get rid of me? does anyone have any answers? What cvould it be? they are rechecking the same urine that showed up the oxycodone. They tested 2 different cups of urine. It can't be, I HAVE NOT taken anything like that. what can this be??

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are there any over the counter products that can cause a false positive for oxycodone?

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Susie, the Hydrocodone, which is the active narcotic in Lortab, can be detectable in a standard urine test for approximately 4 to 5 days, after last dosage.

However, this can vary from person to person, depending on certain individuating factors, such as your metabolism, overall health, activity levels, fluid intake and etc.


Is there anything else I can help with?

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I took one loritab 5 'how long will it stay in you urine

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Angel, Diazepam is a Benzodiazepine and should show up as that on a drug test, they are usually detectable in urine tests for about 6 weeks, after last taking them.


Is there anything else I can help with?

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I took an old pill from the past and looked it up, it was diazepam, would that show up?

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Angle, no neither of those should show up as anything different, since the active narcotics are the same as what you were already taking, Hydrocodone and Oxycodone.



Did you take anything else, even over the counter products?

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I currently take hydrocodone 10mg-325 and oxycodone 5mg. My doctor said that my lab urine test came back showing something else in addition to these, but I am not sure what? I took a few 5mg hydrocodones and 3 of someone else's oxycodone 5mg/500 because I was out of town and forgot my prescriptions, would these show up as "something different" in my urine lab screen? Or maybe its one of those false positives? Please let me know if you have any info on this?

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