I Am Trying To Get 15mg Oxycodone Filled In Maryland
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I Am Trying To Get 15mg Oxycodone Filled In Maryland... I am in severe pain and my regular pharmacy stopped selling them.

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Not true, and why waste a person in pains time. Dr's offices, Pain Clinics etc. will make you do the work. They can not show any affiliation or help you in finding the medication. Federal Law prohibit it. CVS actually has the largest stock, you just have to show the pharmacist that you have an element. For example, once they saw my cancer papers, they filled my 30 mg 2 times a day on the spot.

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I didn't read the other replies so I hope this isn't repetitive.... in the past when I've had difficulty finding a pharmacy with my medication in stock I'd go back to the Dr office and seek out one of the VERY few people who cared. She'd call the pharmacies in the area, very professional, speak directly to the pharmacist until she found one willing to fill my script. What you're goin though happened to me three times and three times this one lady made sure I didn't go home without that medicine. Things will improve for you. I believe that!!!

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Yes, you need your clinic to help you. The pharmacies have been robbed so much that they will lie to you if they have any doubt about you being legit. Calling a pharmacy will never get you anywhere when looking for this type of narcotic.

It's unfortunate but true. The pharmacy nowadays will think of you as a dope head b4 they view you as a normal patient. If you remember this, it'll make it a little bit easier but not much.

Also, never hand them your script without telling the clerk to make sure to check and see if it's in stock. Some clerks have an itchy writing finger and can destroy your written script with one swoop of ink.

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My only suggestion would be to ask someone at your clinic to call the pharmacies in town serving those with chronic pain in the community. Believe me, the staff at the clinic or Dr's office you attend are knowledgeable about those pharmacies that do and those that don't or won't provide such necessary services in your community.

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I no what your goin thru ive been tryin for two weeks tto get my oxycodone 30mg script filled in maryland an dc area an noone has them. What are we to do? Im in terriible pain an the pharmacies i always used are now turning me away. Treating me like an ordinary street drug dealer.

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When I lived in Maryland, I found it much easier to get my pain management prescriptions filled at the speciality pain management pharmacies, since they usually kept a larger stock of such medications on hand.

Learn more Oxycodone details here.

Thus, that would be the best idea I can give you. Check you local phone book, or with a local hospital to find a speciality pharmacy that does that, so you can try to get it filled there.

I wish I had more ideas for you, but I don't. This has been going on all over the U.S., there have been many posts from people that are having problems getting their prescriptions filled recently.

Does anyone else have any ideas?

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