I Am 27 Years Old Newly Married Suffering From Premateure Ejaculation Can Any One Help Me
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I Am 27 Years Old Newly Married Suffering From Premateure Ejaculation Can Any One Help Me please

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While kegels, contractions and tantra might work for some of you most men with serious PE cannot solve their problems through these means. If it was that easy close to 1/3 of all men would not be affected by PE. Both physiological and psychological factors play a role in PE and both aspects must often be treated. The only products on the market today that actually work in treating serious cases of PE are SSRI's and desensitizing creams or sprays. While SSRI's have been shown to work they also come along with a number of side effects that include dry mouth, stomach problems and loss of sex drive so while you may last longer you may also lose your desire to have sex. The most promising desensitizing spray (PSD502) was unfortunately denied by the FDA even though the clinical trial was successful and that it is sold abroad. After doing some research I came across a similar product to (PSD502) which is called Promescent and is a lidocaine based solution with eutectic absorption while PSD502 was a lidocaine/prilocaine solution with eutectic absorption. The product is covered under an FDA monograph and is currently undergoing clinical trials so it has medical credibility in my mind. I would suggest it to any guy out there who is looking for one of the only legitimate medical solutions to PE on the market rather than taking SSRI's.

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this site doesn't provide any type of diagnosis or treatments, this is an information only website.

Have you consulted a doctor?

There are different things that could be causing it and only a doctor will be able to help you discover the root of the problem.

It could simply be that you are getting very sexually excited.


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