Hyospasmol Drug Information


What are the indications, contraindications, dosage and side effects of this medication?

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Hyospasmol is listed as containing the active ingredient Scopolamine, it is used to treat conditions such as motion sickness, nausea, IBS and GI cramping.

Common side effects may include: dry mouth, dry throat, dry nasal passages and constipation.

The max dosage in tablet form is 0.4mgs.

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My 12yr old daughter complains bout stomach cramps can I give her 1 hyospasmol tablet.

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Ís it safe to use on pregnant people

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My urologist prescribed uromax and hyospasmol for small calcification within the kidney. None of the articles on the net indicate these meds for that problem. What should have been prescribed?

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My son is 4years old, can I give him hyospasmol? He's got stomach cramps.

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I have what it feels like a permanent stitch and also a burning sensation on my upper abdominal on the right side, an ultrasound was made and all my abdominal organs came out healthy, however the doc kept saying he sees I'm constipated, which was weird because I'm going to the bathroom regularly. Why am I feeling this discomfort? It's been more than a week.

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Why cant I get these tablets in upington? It's the only tab that stops my cramps.

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Doctor I also use this madication but I also have this menstruation pain and my plan is to have a baby, so I just started now to use did u this is going to help me to have a baby or what something can I use to have baby pls I'm so desperate

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How safe is a s copolomine for a diabitic

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Can this pill help if you want to conceive

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Hi, I removed the implanon about 2 weeks ago and today I am getting stomach cramps like he'll and diarrhoea but hardly anything is coming out my stool is red will hyospasmol help with the cramps and diarrhoea Pls help I'm in pain

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Will Puresis help pass kidney stones?

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Hi everytime when I'm on periods I feel stomuch pains and cramps so I went to clinic and they gave me hyospasmol and anaerobyl tablets but they didn't explain anything about them I want to know if this pills will help me or not.

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I have a container with da name but not sure if the tablet inside is the correct one. It is long with 8 sides and written AMC.

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Miss Ntombela let God take control. When using any form of pills when trying to concieve. It is best you first consult your doctor

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My grandchild is 4 years old having cramps. Can i give her 1 hyospasmol 10 mg.?

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Hi. The doctor put me on Omeprazole 40mg but I still have stomach severe cramps. Can I use Hyospasmol?

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Does hyospasmol contain penicillin? I'm allergic to penicillin and after taking it I develop painful stomach and abdominal cramps.

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I have a painful gas in my stomach and have been taking Hyospasmol tablets for 5 months now. Can these tablets help me? What are Hyospasmol tablets used for?

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I would like to know if Hyospasmol can be used for nausea and vomiting?

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