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Trying to identify a small oval white pill with hc05 or hcos on it. What is this pill? ## The oval, white tablet with the HCQS marking on it is manufactured by Ranbaxy Pharmaceuticals and they list it as containing 200mgs of Hydroxychloroquine. NDC: 63304-0296 It is most commonly used as an antimalarial. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, stomach pain, skin rash, itching, and hair loss. Is there anything else I can help with?
I have been diagnosed with polymyalgia rheumatica. Why is HCQS 200 mg prescribed for me along with Defcort 6 mg. ## HCQS stands for the medication Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate, it has proven effective at reducing inflammation for arthritic conditions. Some of the most common side effects may include: nausea, diarrhea, headache and reduced appetite. ## Defcort contains Prednisolone, this is a steroid, which is also used to help reduce the inflammation. Both of these medications are intended to slow the inflammation and worsening of your condition. Some of the most common side effects for this can also include: nausea, drowsiness, edema and weight gain. ## hcqs and prednisolone, ana and positive dna ## i am RA factor postive guy. my anti ccp level is so high that its 154 instead of <15....
water pill, white round with GG over the number 260 ## I was also given a white capsule with 2 black stripes and GG with the number 606 under it. ## I was also given a white capsule with 2 black stripes on it and GG with the number 606 ## I found a pill white with a black stripe with GG and 606 under it. Can you advise me on what pill this? Thanks. ## The tablet with GG over 260 actually contains 200mgs of Hydroxychloroquine, which is used to treat malaria, and rheumatism. NDC: 00781-1407 Its typical side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache, and dry mouth. However, the capsule with the GG 606 marking has been identified correctly, it contains 25mgs of Hydrochlorothiazide, and 37.5mgs of Triamterene, it is most commonly used to treat hypertension, edema, and certain cardia...
I also am experiencing nausea while taking this drug for a autoimmune disease, I had no idea it could possibly be the reason for my nausea. I made a appointment to have my stomach checked, may not need it. I'm going to discuss this with my primary care physician. The medication is working well. ## Hydroxychloroquine can cause nausea, as a side effect, along with dizziness, headache, and nightmares. Nausea is generally a side effect of most medications, so you might just need to add something to help prevent it. Are you on any other medications? Do you usually take it on an empty stomach?
first treatment for r a ## What are the side effects of hydroxychlor? ## I believe you are referring to Hydroxychloroquine. It is used to treat arthritis, malaria, and lupus. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, confusion, fainting, muscle tenderness, weakness, increased risk of bleeding, and easy bruising. Has this medication been prescribed for you? Are you on any other medications?
If using this med for long term treatment, what are the long term effects? Does it affect your eye sight? ## Hi marge, From what I could gather, this medication can affect your eye sight. Whether or not it's based on long term or short term use is not stated, as these drugs can affect everyone differently. You can view the list of side effects posted below: headache dizziness loss of appetite nausea diarrhea stomach pain vomiting skin rash If you experience any of the following symptoms, call your doctor immediately: reading or seeing difficulties (words, letters, or parts of objects missing) sensitivity to light blurred distance vision seeing light flashes or streaks difficulty hearing ringing in ears muscle weakness bleeding or bruising of the skin bleaching or loss of hair mood o...
I began hydroxychloroquine on jan 19th & yesterday my primary took me off the med. Now my body is covered with hives and i've not slept for 2 days/nights, i am exhausted. I have rheumatoid arthritis, celiac disease and severe osteoporosis. I did the best i could to see if this product is gluten free but im not finding any results. Can you help me with this please? ## Hi Larry, Sorry to hear about your situation. Do you happen to know what imprint is on your hydroxychloroquine pill and/or who the manufacturer is? With this information, I could more easily investigate those types of specific details. According to the FDA, brand name Plaquenil (hydroxychloroquine) 200mg made by Sanofi-Aventis contains the following set of inactive ingredients: Dibasic Calcium Phosphate, Hydroxyprop...
white oval pill with ZC38 on one side ## The pill in description is Hydroxychloroquine sulfate (200 mg). To view information about this drug, please click on the link below... Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do. ## Is hydroxychloroquine a steroid? I was prescribed with hydroxychloroquine and i forgot to ask the dr if I can take painkillers as well when I'm in pain. ## It has been three months now that I have had this fever and an attack of arthralgia. I still have pain in my joints and muscles. I have been advised to take HCQS (Hydroxychloroquine) 200mg once a day. Is it ok to take this and for how long? Does it contain any steroids? What are the possible side effects?
Ok so I found a pill markedd Watson on one side then 698 200 on the other .I want to know if he's getting high so please help out ## Well, I can't say if the person in questions knows what this is, or what they might think it is, if they don't, but I can tell you what it actually contains. This tablet contains 200mgs of the Antimalarial drug Hydroxychloroquine. Side effects can include: nausea, abdominal cramping, diarrhea and reduced appetite. Learn more: Are there any other questions? ## Watson 698 200 does this make you high like hydrocodone? ## No, it does not make you high. It makes you feel mostly like crap from it's side effects. It's prescribed for malaria and autoimmune disorders like lupus and RA. It's supposed to reduce inflammation and flares but I...
hi im 21 years old nd i hav diagonised vth ra (positive)vth a borderline..nd hav used hcqs tablet regularlyfor 6 months:nd other 6 months alternately (i e 1 year) nd using setolac tablet 4r pain killer. (300mg) i hav no side effects in eyes but im devloping dark skin...since 6 months .please suggest..is dis due to hcqs or other.. ## sir i am 21years girl.i am having disease as SLE.i eat hcqs-400 tablet 6months.my face and hand so dark.what can i do...how to prevent those dark skin.i am waiting for your reply.thank you ## Hello, Based on my research, HCQS contains Hydroxychloroquine as the active ingredient. Hydroxychloroquine belongs to the family of medicines called antiprotozoals. It is used to prevent and to treat malaria as well as some other conditions such as liver disease caused ...
Hi, have been on Hydroxychloroquine for 8 weeks now. My menstrual cycle has become irregular, having 3 periods in the last six weeks. Has anyone had the same impact? What do I do? ## Hello, Peej! How are you? Virtually any medication you take can cause that and there's no way to predict it. The FDA lists its other typical side effects as possibly including nausea, irritability, headache and diarrhea. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I am currently on Purbac. I had my menses for 3 weeks full. I made a decision not to stop as I am booked for a month only. But it is so unpleasant. ## I have been on purbac for 2 months now and I have missed my period this month. Did a pregnancy test and it came out negative. What does this mean, I'm worried? ## Emmah, Purbac is a combinati...
I requested 60 pills from Humana. My pharmacy said it would cost me $90... The last time it cost me $18. Why? ## Pharmaceutical prices change, just like the prices on any other product. It's really a matter of supply and demand, there have been changes in the price of many pharmaceuticals, recently. My mother-in-law has to use 2 inhalers regularly, to prevent asthma and breathing issues, one of them has stayed the same price, while the other has gone up from $45 to over $200. The FDA allows a good bit of pricing leeway, while some companies try to keep their prices down, not all of them do. It is a sad state of affairs, which I fear may only get worse over the next few years. I wish I had some way to help you, but unfortunately, I don't. Have you tried asking your doctor if they...
I'm suffering from joints pain for more than 2 months;unable to sit down and after that unable to get up.Even I'm unable to change my dresses.Fingers in the legs are also paining.I was feeling feverish during morning hours and shows slightly raise in the normal temp.,.Clinical reports confirmed chikungunya.Doctor prescribed me first "Hydroxychloroquine Sulfate-200" -20Nos.,2 per day morn.and night for 10 days;but there was no suppression in the above said problems.Again Dr.,gave me the same tablets&Qty., along with "Diclofenac sodium Paracetamol"-10Nos. and "CEFTAS-200"-10Nos.,2,per day for 5days. I was taking Defenac-P only -one during morn. and then only I'll feel fresh and less pain and I don't take at present. After completion of Ceftas,(2...
I was diagnosed ra positive 15 years back, I was in remission for 14 years. Two years back my problem started again. Now i am on lefno 10 + hydroxychloroquine 200 + follic acid daily + methotrexate 22 mg once a week. I started lefno only 3 months back. Now I have totally lost my appetite. There is no joint pain. What should I do? My doc is not available.
UpdatedMy doctor told me to stop taking Plaquenil until she found the reason for my low white blood count. I've been off of it for about five days now. Do I have to worry about my blood clots since stopping Plaquenil which is a blood thinner? ## Hello, Callie! How are you? This is not a blood thinner, the FDA lists it as being used to treat malaria and rheumatoid arthritis. Its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss and hair loss. What were you taking it to treat?
Just wondering what this tablet is HCO 200 ## Hello, T town! How are you? Does it also have a APO on one side? If so, then I think you've found a tablet manufactured by Apotex Canada, which they list as containing 200mgs of Hydroxychloroquine, it is most commonly used to treat or prevent malaria. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, diarrhea and stomach pain.
My husband takes Hydroxychlor200mg twice a day for his RA. In Aug `14 his cost was $2.14. His refill for this month is $28.50. Why such a big increase???? ## Hello MT! How are you? The price can vary from month to month, depending on supply & demand, insurance coverage, what the pharmacies supplier is charging and etc. However, the only way to get a definitive answer would be to ask your pharmacist. The FDA lists the typical side effects of Hydroxychloroquine as possibly including nausea, dizziness, diarrhea and loss of appetite. Has anyone else seen a sudden price increase for this medication?
White round pill that's says m on one side and 374 on other side ## Hi Ace, From your description, the closest match I'm finding is a white round pill marked with an "M" on one side and "373" on the other. This is identified as a 200mg Hydroxychloroquine sulfate tablet, commonly prescribed for arthritis. For verification, its size is reported to be approximately 10 millimeters; and the pill also carries a National Drug Code of 00378-0373 through Mylan Pharma. Any thoughts on whether this might be your pill?
does it hurt to be in hot sun while taking this pill ## the hot sun makes my arms red and itchy like on fire ## Hydroxychlor, also called Hydroxychloroquine, does have strong photosensitive effects when you are in the sun. Because "sensitivity to light" is reported to be a severe side effect of this medication, it is strongly advised that you contact your doctor immediately. Other severe side effects can include the following: reading or seeing difficulties (words, letters, or parts of objects missing) sensitivity to light blurred distance vision seeing light flashes or streaks difficulty hearing ringing in ears muscle weakness bleeding or bruising of the skin bleaching or loss of hair mood or mental changes irregular heartbeat drowsiness convulsions For more information about t...
I Have a bottle of Hydroxychor 200mg tabs with an expiration date of 10/13. Are these pills still effective enough to take or do I need to get a new prescription? ## Since they do start to lose effectiveness over time, it would be best to just dispose of them and get a new prescription. You can even have your pharmacy dispose of them for you, or use the FDA disposal instructions that say you should mix them in with some undesirable substance, such as used kitty litter or coffee grounds, then place them in a sealed container in the garbage. Is there anything else I can help with?