Hydromorphine 2 Mg 1 Or 2 Every 8 Hrs
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Ive just started this medication yesterday. Ive had 4 since 6 pm last night. I have degenerative spine disease, Im in pain all the time. I was on MSIR 10mg. I was on 8-10 a day for three years. My new doctor has tried MESELON 30 mg, I hated them. Im now on these odd little pills and Im not impressed. I feel like Im on acid without the melting of things.. Im really irritated that this doctor switched me as the meds I was on were working just fine, Ide cut back to 6 a day if I was not in severe pain which is very rare. I would like to know if anyone else has had the same effect with Hydromorphine, its hard to describe, my mouth has a metallic taste to it, i feel very wishy washy, some pain is gone but its still there in areas. food and cigarettes taste diffrent even coffee

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My doctor said it was a better medication and I dont agree, I do not like it...

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To be honest, yes! I hate it. They had me on it via a pain pump IV, when I was in the hospital and I was never happy with it, on top of the other side effects, it also gave me severe headaches.


Did you ask your doctor why they were switching your medication?

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