Hydrocortone Acetate Forums
Recently active Hydrocortone Acetate forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Hydrocortone Acetate and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.Where are Addison's disease research clinics? Having side effects of taking hydrocortone for 25 years. Kidney showing signs of early failure. Fatigue , muscle weakness. ## There really aren't any permanent research clinics for any disease, per se. Usually, when any given scientific or medical organization has funding and is doing research, it will done at whatever facility accommodates such, be it their own or an affiliated location. And then in most cases to get in on research protocols, you have ironically be in good health and not far into the disease, or suffering complications such as organ failure. Learn more Hydrocortone details here. What further treatment has your doctor recommended? ## My doctor is Internal medicine doc in small town. Does blood tests even though have ...
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